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Reviews for "Babies Dream of Dead Worlds"

The babies don't dream about this class of things

This game was well made, but it's a little boring.

i love your owrk so much im a big fan

Nut my eyes are hurting lol trying to pass Naji second level because i keep dying and getting the purple flash Well done LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I completely agree with the comments others have said about the gameplay, its a very intresting idea but it needs tweeking, I have to say tho I loved the look of the game and so what that the character looks like a weird butterfly thing, has no one ever heard of surrelism... If it is an experiment I think the conclusion is a good one


I didn't have the patience (and I have a lot of patience) to so much as start Naaij's second chapter, knowing what it would involve from the first chapter. However, Fuzor and Mell's stories were enjoyable. As Gekigarion said, it seems experimental. It was all right for awhile, though.

Is this an experiment?

I get the impression that this game was an experiment of sorts, not just for the gravity engine but also how you could use it. You showed us the use in a race, the use of it in a simple scenario where you traverse a town and simply talk to people, and a an attempt at making a frustratingly difficult coin collecting platformer.

It just seems like these could all make interesting elements in a game if improved upon and it makes me wonder if this was all just an experiment. For example, the dialogue levels show an interesting way to explore a "town" and talk to people/find clues in an adventure game.

The racing and coin gathering levels could be their own kinds of games as well, although they really need some tweaking. Some suggestions would be:

1) A radar or minimap of some kind, preferably in one of the corners at the screen and always activated. The velocity at which you move when slingshotting combined with the difficulty of controlling your character both mean that you can neither react to coins/portals that you draw near nor can you usually dodge them even if you do react. A map is necessary to at least help you find out where you should be slingshotting. This will also reduce some of the tediousness of the game.

2) The gameplay is pure platforming and gets tedious quickly, especially in the coin levels where, instead of adding more innovative elements, the levels simply throw harder and harder "precision" challenges at you. While some people may like it, I think a majority would prefer to do something else rather than continually fly around awkwardly trying to fit into tight spaces.

As for the story, it was a bit intriguing at first, and the dialogue has charm, but the story disappoints in that it didn't really seem to go anywhere, and the racing/coin stories seemed to hold no relevance to the story whatsoever. I did not have the skills to get a perfect rating on all the levels, so perhaps there was some secret to the story I missed, so correct me on that if I'm wrong.

And yes, while the concept of what babies dream of is interesting, the story seems to not really have anything to do with that at all and seems to just be more about some random alien dimension. Aside from the beginning and the last NPC in the last Mell level, the baby's thoughts or psyche are not mentioned at all and it's quite easy to just take both those parts of dialogue out, rename the game something like "Funky Gravity Aliens" and the game still would have seemed the same.

All in all, the pros are:
-I enjoy the gravity concept and I think it has potential.
-Dialogue is charming, story starts off as mysterious and beckons the player to discover more.

And the cons:
-The platforming was not executed very well and in a rather tedious way. Extra things to do besides attempt to squeeze in tight spaces and slingshot wildly around without even being able to see where I am heading is not good.
-The music tends to get repetitive, and quite honestly it does not help the mood most players would probably be in while attempting to gather all the coins. Even if the music is not good, it really pays to put in several different tracks into any game.
-I do not generally criticize about graphics because I understand that some of the developers here on newgrounds simply do not have the opportunity to make good ones, but I think it's rather important in this game since you are attempting to display a unique world, and the platforming element requires such precision that the hitbox should be more obvious than a few squiggly lines which we're supposed to guess are wings of some sort.

Good effort, though -- I hope to see that your next game takes these situations into consideration, because there is a lot of potential here.