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Reviews for "Snipedown"


Seen much better same genre... Maybe have gold customization AND exp?

Support not thought out

Not a bad game, but as many have said, it becomes quite boring after the first big tank level (10?). The subsequent waves do not appear to be more difficult (and you run out of upgrades), so they just get more and more tedious, with less risk. Also, airstrikes #1 and #3 are totally useless: there was never a concentration of infantry/light armor that could be more quickly taken out with those airstrikes than just the rifle, and they barely dent the heavy armor. That said, the control & graphics were good, it just needs some rebalancing...

i finished the game.

It was wayyyyy to easy.

So theres no end?

Gets way samey in the teens

As people have mentioned...

The game is solid, but is a bit too easy and repetitive. A few key fixes would be:

1) Mix up waves a bit. Waves with a large amount of small units, waves with large and small units together, waves with a couple large units rushing the base. There are many ways to do this.

2) Have later waves spend less time spamming small amounts of weak units at the player and instead either spawn big waves of them or smaller waves with strong units mixed in.

3) The sniping element gets a little dull after a while. Different weapons could possibly help.

4) Having different enemy types can help. Classic examples for these games are: fast-running kamikaze types, flying types, long range types, support types, boss types.

A few minor things that you could fix, but could improve the game experience quite a bit:

1) The music. I'm probably not the only one who thinks listening to fake explosions and bombs dropping in the distance to be boring after a while in this kind of game. A more engaging soundtrack would help -- having a couple different ones that change between levels would be even better, although it would increase load times a lot.

2) The scope sometimes tends to cover the menu bar on the bottom, and as a result also blocks the player from seeing the cooldowns on his tools. Make the menu part of the foremost foreground, and the scope behind it instead.

Overall, it's a decent game, it certainly kept me occupied for a while. I hope to see improvement on your next game.