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Reviews for "Madness 6 Scene Creator"

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Dad Scene Creator by XRoadKillX

Perfect World MMORPG
3D online game based on Pangu Chinese mythology and the gods that paved civilizations way.

Author & File Information
Madness Scene Creators (XRoadKillX)Contact Visit Artist's Site Manage Favorites

Submitted: 02/28/2010 | 08:59AM EST

File Info: Game | 6.2 MB | Manage Favorite Flash

Genre: Gadgets - Dress Up

Current Score: 3.33 / 5.00
318 votes | 4,685 views

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Blam this piece of crap!

This makes poop look good.

Nothing too new or interesting.

Not bad. In fact... I like it!

This Flash is crunk, fo' shizzle!

Woot!!! All my 5 R belong to this!

Related SubmissionsSubmissions by Madness Scene Creators (XRoadKillX): - Choose below... - A Madness Scene Creator Madness 4 Scene Creator Madness 5 Scene Creator Madness 6 Scene Creator Madness 6.5 Madness 6.5 Scene Creator Madness 7 Scene Creator Madness 8 Scene Creator Madness 9 Scene Creator MC 5.5 Scene Creator Ultimate Mc Scene Creator

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Author CommentsInstructions:

-Drag the screen around to see the items.
-Press and hold Right/Left then click an object to rotate it.
-Press and hold Insert then click an object to flip it.
-Press and hold home then click an object to flip it back.

I'm sorry if you can't flip the objects, it works fine for me.

Thanks for all the support. ^^

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The people have spokenAverage Score: 8.0 / 10
by: Toby232
date: June 14, 2010Checking login status...
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Dad Scene Creator by XRoadKillX

Wizard 101
Create your wizard: Fight wizard duels in far off worlds. What kind of wizard are you?
Author & File Information

Neh, You see! (like this game

my scene after the other scenes: Somewhere In Nevada: The icon Of sin, at the quartermaster. hank after the events of Madness 5 Scene Creator he died but tricky revived him and jebus with hank teamed up for kill tricky but tricky killed them and a bandaged grunt of Madness 4 Scene Creator comes back to nevada. grunt kills tricky. and now heres the dialogue of grunt:
bandaged grunt: huh i need some bandages so i will steal the hank's shirt jacket and bandages etc. cool now i look like hank.
and the grunt steals thw bandages shirt jacket and bandages and now hank looks like a grunt XD. te grunt lives in peace


Super Awesome But The Problem Is It Wont Load!! I Want To Play The Cool Game So Can You Fix This?