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Reviews for "Mecharon"

Pretty good.

Has some similarities with other games but its still pretty good.


Ok, its a flash version of Crimson land (right down to the perks), but its a good version too, so no critism there from me.
Good work!

nice work

very nice simple game but gripping none the less. very tight controls but wouldve liked it better if it were more easier to upgrade in the beginning at least...found myself just dying right off trying to find the best combo of upgrades for the first part of the game. cheers though

Could be better...

This game is very addictive, and it gave me something to do over my boring weekend, but before i write the review, could someone please answer this question? How many lvls on the ice planet? I think theres only 2, and if there are more, then theres a glitch. Anyways, this game is fun if your bored, but its to repetitive, and after a while, it just becomes a matter of maxing out your skills more than it is finishing the game, if it ever, ends, im on earth right now. Answer the question please!

episodeent responds:

There are 3 levels on the Ice planet

Good effort

Definitely one of the better games out here, good job on the effort. I have a few suggestions for the sequel you're making:

1. It was extremely difficult to cycle between weapons once you pick up too many. Since you allow people to specialize their skills for specific weapons, include a menu where you can toggle weapons that you want to have "equipped" so that you can simply switch between those few weapons at ease.

2. Explain what each weapon does earlier in the game because you give the player the option to put points into weapons that they don't even have yet. In fact, explaining the weapons at all would help, I had absolutely no idea of what the Buggun was for. It's also very difficult to tell which gun I'm currently holding -- make them different colors, at the least, instead of all blue.

3. More strategic battles! I cannot stress this enough. My favorite enemy in your game by far were the flying insects, because they were the only ones that didn't just mindlessly follow you so that you could beat them by simply running in circles. A few ideas that you might find interesting:
A) An enemy that cripples your Mecha a small bit by simply being alive in the map. This could be done in many ways: it could weaken your attack power, increase your reload times, or give the other enemies more armor. The goal is to quickly seek it and dispatch it. In turn, give it evasive AI and movement.
B) Enemies with varying movement patterns/defenses. An enemy who simply circles around you and fire shots, for example, or one who moves randomly and sometimes goes invisible.
C) Supportive enemies. Ones that heal other enemies, or otherwise help them in some way.

4. The interface could be improved. For one, a radar allowing the player to see the location of enemies that are not currently in his screen. When the Mecha takes damage, it should be more obvious -- a more noticeable "getting hit" sound effect, or the Mecha simply flashing red or something would be simply enough.

And lastly,
5. The last boss is too difficult or mundane to beat. The only viable strategies that I have so far seen are to either stay very far from it and wait for a shield powerup from the little spaceships (Mundane), or the player can choose to straight up fight the boss, which is basically impossible if the player has not upgraded movement speed or, in the case that I used, simply had an extra level saved up purposely for the "instant heal" upgrade. Make a final boss that requires more strategy and thought to defeat rather than strange strategies like that.

That all said, the artwork is good enough, and the sound effects are reasonable and within the mood of the game. The music could be a bit more exciting, but that's a matter of my personal taste. I look forward to seeing your improvements in your next game.

episodeent responds:

Thank you very-very much for your advices! Now I am sure, I'll make my next game much better!