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Reviews for "Tibetan Fox"

There's no punch line

This just isn't funny. Jokes require a punch line, this is just randomness that is supposed to make sense. You had so much to go off here too. Why is he a fox? What significance does the concert have? Why is the fox making that noise? What the FUCK is going on???

Lacked animation. You didn't even bother to draw the fox. There isn't even a preloader, it just loops infinitely.

I apologize for the low score but I am a firm believer that randomness=/=funny. If you want to be humorous then you have to at least make an attempt. A shoddy, poorly constructed flash is not the way to go about this.

Had to stop in the middle of the panel video to be apart of the upcoming moment. Here I go!


i had to laugh a lot, especially the second time
but there was no artwork, animation or effort
the 5 stars are for my lol and your voiceacting

i know this noise xD
i guess the wolf was on the coldplay concert too, no idea how he could get so bored in another way

didn't really find this very funny

the guy looked like an egoraptor easteregg scene, and his voice reminded me of across between egoraptor and toby from the office


3 Stars for the one drawn character,the good sound quality and for bashing Coldplay (?)

Aside that, there is no animation to rate, You've used a picture of a fox which could have been another drawn character, and finally it's clearly meant to somehow be funny and it just falls short of the mark there. So far short I can't tell you.

Better than some of the crud that doeesn't get blammed on Newgrounds (and therefor worth being on the site) but really this isn't frontpage material