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Reviews for "SK3 - Nemesis Theory"

its ok

it was ok not that long though be better if it had more action


What were you thinking?!

This isn't a simple case of borrowing a few ideas or making an homage to Proxicide. This is outright copy/paste choreographic theft. There is not a single original sequence in this movie. Not even one.

Now, we all make impressions on each other and sometimes the really good ideas spread like wildfire in the sprite community. This, however, is just... no.

You've now become the sprite equivalent of the guy who buys cheap Wal-Mart brand sneakers, draws a swoosh on them with a red crayon, and then tries to sell these new "NIKE" brand shoes at the flea market. It's THAT bad.

You got a pass on your last video because it at least contained some original choreography. It had a few original ideas. This one was just a big, smoking ball of fail.

Really, what pisses me off the most is that I cannot offer even one bit of constructive criticism. I cannot make a single suggestion that would help to improve this movie. There is no silver lining. I HATE the fact that I cannot review this as an objective professional.

I give this a "1" because I at least got some entertainment out of typing this review with just my left hand. My right hand has been stuck to my forehead this whole time in full "facepalm" mode.




you copyed proxides' flash

thats low man
