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Reviews for "Date for One"


... Wonchop, you really have come a long way since your early animations and this is a testament on how your skills have grown considerably. It's cute, funny and well made, even touching. Allow me to detail my review:

- Graphics were pretty good. Everything was well drawn and reasonably detailed (loved the mecha carrot and Jeff Goldblum), the backgrounds were decent (well drawn, but lacking details) and the animation, although quite sparse, was very well made, being fluid and convincing (with the singular exception of the walking animation at the end).

The framing / camera angles of the scenes were also pretty interesting, when we see the main character from the front handing in the flower. Character design was quite original and looked good too.

- Sound-wise, the music was very well picked and fitted perfectly with the movie, the sound effects were spot-on and the (brief) voice acting was pretty good.

- Story-wise, that was quite clever and touching. I loved the fact you use no dialogue, it makes the identification with the characters much stronger and improves the movie!

The comedic and overall timing of the movie was fantastic, making it quite funny and heartwarming. I loved the flow of the movie too, I think you nailed it down perfectly. The movie was also exactly the right length, telling us the story without stretching it or the humour.

So, overall, a solid movie. You've taken a simple, but clever idea and executed it in a very good way, resulting in a really nice movie. Cheers and kudos for that!

I would say...

"That I understand that this was a school project and so because I rely heavily on comedic relief and long reviews to forget how miserable my life really is, I will call this sufficient".
Ok first off, this flash was good (especially if you compare it to some of the other flashes seen here), and it holds the mood very well. So what if the man seems pathetic because of his imaginary girlfriend, maybe that actually added DEPTH to the character and made him more human. If you really wanted to imagine something, you could imagine that this guys wife couldv'e passed away and he wasn't willing to come to grips with it until he met a widower who happened to be going through the same thing. Would you have felt it to have been more dopey then? Its human to be in denial on some topics, such as being alone. I feel that this flash wasn't meant to entertain you with comedy, but to tell you a story about a man who is humanly imperfect finding someone imperfect like him and falling in love. To me this says that nobody is perfect, and that maybe its those similiar flaws that draw us together.

Apologies to you Wonchop for commenting this way, but I really enjoyed your work and to see Phobotech put this down by saying its just sufficient started me up. Have a nice day


love is always cool...

I Like It Actually.

I hate the music boy.

Sad, but true.

I loved the bed scene. The tongue was particularly cute. :-) Sucks being single. Sometimes, at least. Except when I go to bed at whatever hour I like and realize that nobody's griping at me for disturbing their sleep.

*sigh*... Just trying to focus on the positives. ;-)