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Reviews for "Sketched-Runaway Wedding"

Not for me...

I'm not saying it was horrible but I just didn't get any of the references because I haven't seen any of those movies so it was kinda boring. Also, whoever did the voice for the bride was pretty bad in my opinion. She didn't really sell it and she was the main person talking so that also ruined it for me. On a high note though it was well sketched and the voice acting for the other characters was more believable then the bride. Sorry for the bad rating but I love all your other videos =D

sirjeffofshort responds:

Totally understandable. I would only argue that I don't believe it's a problem with the actress herself but with miscasting on my part. Lori has proven herself hilarious in other roles such as Mrs. Claus or the secretary in Therapy, I just happened to cast her as the straight character in this one when her acting tends to work better in the wackier roles. She made a noble attempt to bring a more 'quiet rage' to the character that didn't really come across in animation. Lesson learned haha. Anyways, I'm glad you liked the others.


That had me laughing pretty damn hard!! Thanks!!!


Loved the refs, looks like there IS room for a romantic comedy crowd on NG.

I especially liked the Fonz being in the background as a sort of coup-de-grace.

That being said...

You could've used a different color palette in the background to bring the characters more to the fore (look into pastels here), but I did love this one's art style.

The scrollbar in the credits was a nice touch, but it was way understated. Maybe try causing it to blink or even scroll on its own until the user mouse-overs the bar?...

The chapel appeared nearly empty. Some shocked and appalled guests may have been nice (and some joining in with the references would be cooler)...

And one last bit... The guy behind the window should have given a thumbs-up too for extra cheez points. :p

All in all, though, really short and sweet, which seems to be very much your strong suit! ^_^ Keep it up!

Another funny one.

These Sketched episodes are certainly something different in the realm of flash comedy!

Appeals to a certain crowd.

Personally, I have seen all but one of the movies that were mentioned, so I got most of the jokes. What really had me though was the final line at the end. It was so cheesy, but I like cheese (except in overdose, I start seeing things then). So the final line was well placed.

Anyway, don't expect people to rate this one as high as your other sketched animations, mostly cause they probably don't get the jokes.