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Reviews for "Vulvagaiyumi Happy Day"



JazLyte responds:


That was weak

Ok i get the fact that sometimes you got to take a brake from serious animating, but why put it up on newgrounds? Only thing it does is makes you look bad. People will remember you series but this is gonna affect their opinion about your work as a whole (not in a good way). Well I guess its your choice i just dont get it.

I give it a 2 because i like the expresions :p I didin't really get the joke (but thats only my personal opinion) and the voises were terrible my ears still hurt.

Good luck with your next animation


The joke was good but the delivery was kinda half assed, I don't think you did the idea justice maybe take a bit more time with how your dong to do it next time.

That women's voice made my ears bleed, maybe tone it down just a bit.

Instead of endless screaming, try a "jesus your so big" "slap my ass son of god" ect ect...

anyway sorry for the "harsh browns" but i think this could have been better, i loved the idea, maybe another update is due?


I dont know about the rest of you guys but i found it pretty funny, voice acting needs work, animation was pretty good though sound quility was awful


Uhu well, I suppose that because its from a fairly known animator it ends up on the front page anyhow despite whatever the content may be.

Because this just made me die from the inside a little.. just a little though ,ah well things like this happen allot. 8D 3 stars for relieving me out of my boredom for 3 minutes :3

JazLyte responds:

...the flash is 45 seconds o___o

what's with all these harsh browns ya'll servin' me