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Reviews for "Damn Birds 2"


But why cant we just supmit scores here it kinda pissed me off when i beat this
but overall good game, didnt like the shocker ut i loved the flamer it eats ammo like crazy but it kills the big ones faster

GREAT game--

but there are some balance issues.... unless you intended for us to struggle this much--

It would take MUCH planning ahead to buy enough ammunition but have enough left over money to save up to upgrade your weapon for the next bird that drops in which we never know when will be...

I would say either tone down the life of some birds, or upgrade the power of the weapons, or lower the prices of the weapons and ammunition and armor, or make the birds worth more money--

.....basically fix the balance issue in the game, a challenge can be fun but when it gets frustrating the fun factor loses out :(

Much improved

Better than the first one, which many people(including myself) found much too hard. this one is easier and more interesting, although there were a few WTF moments, most notably penguins and rocket-immune geese. The introduction of weather and seasons is very nice, especially when rain comes at some very opportune moments. The audio was also pretty hilarious :D

Tips for anyone having trouble: Save up for the machine gun, as it will carry you through the levels after it, and aim up when a bird is above you. there is hope even if you are being pooed at, you can shoot the poo.

Holy hell!

Do these birds have explosive diarrhea or something?! O_o


The game was over average... Sorry to say but in the end it just didn't make the cut.

Let's leave graphics and audio out for a moment because they are good enough (a mute button wouldn't have been bad though)

Let's just focus on the gameplay shall we...
Well first off it looks like your basic Defend The Tower, click and kill game, and on second look, that's just what it is...

The game is totally unbalanced, sorry but you got to work on that, At first it is really hard even to survive and it pretty much means if you do badly in ONE round, you are going to lose in the end, because if you use the cleaning, you lose money what is REALLY important in the beginning, as soon as you get the Sniper the game travels to mediocre in toughness, but if you get the zapper it's just pure clicking in the general direction and hoping that it will fall down... So from the Zapper on it's too easy...

My suggestion: Make it a little (really just a little) easier to earn money in the beginning, so that you can survive a flaw, then I'd say the middle part (up to Zapper is okay) and then just power down or take the Zapper out... It's just too damn imbalanced...

Also there is an OLD and BIG BUG crawling around in this game... If you change the weapon shortly before you run out of ammo and switch back, you got an instant reload, I've tried it with every weapon and refreshed the site twice just to be sure, and sorry but yes this is a bug...

Oh and the end was a little dissapointing too, it leaves you a little empty, because it just is one plain old screen popping out of nowhere... Sorry but it has potential it just has to be used...