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Reviews for "Weapon."


lets start at this great work its pretty dam good BUT you need more guns and more upgrades also the fact that the sniper has like no health and dies quickly sucks also if u buy him first you can almost leave 4 the first few waves hes too godd mabye u could start him out at bad then alow pll to upgrade him i love the grafics good work on weapons very good overall keep it up and ill be looking forward to Weapon 2

Make a sequel.

>I love the variety of weapons and upgrades although the secondaries get pretty useless once you've got your first primary weapon.
>You could add more on both weapons and upgrades since some get repetitive. (Bought the AK first then the M14 and they felt the same)
>The enemy variety was pretty slim, as well. You may want to add new enemies if you decide to make another one.
>Some of them attack too early. They'll walk just 1/4 of the distance and start firing, making it pretty hectic in the later levels.
>Try adding a story, something that advances the more you play. Add to that, try putting in night time missions as well. (Shooting in the dark or using Night Vision goggles/ a Gun-mounted flashlight instead of a laser-sight would add a new difficulty)

Overall, I find it really addicting, though repetitive once you've reached level 20+.

(To those asking how to repair, you can find it on the Load-out, to the Left of the grenades. It's the crossed wrenches.)

Good Game

Great fun of a game, loved the customization and leveling, but i'm left wondering where all the weapons from the intro are, i would have loved to peg some terrorists with a nice G3! 2nd weapon plox?


but i cant repair my baseand the i always lose :(

one of my favorite newgrounds games

i love this game! much to my life's discredit, i've spent hours playing. my only beef is this: can you win this game, or does it just go on until you lose? i've made it to wave 43 and the enemies get too intense to fight off. medals would be a welcome addition.

tips: don't buy any gun until you can pony up the 9400 for the high-powered rifle. use grenades against the technicals (jeeps), and use airstrikes every round once you can afford it.

good stuff man. i'm hoping there's a sequel.