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Reviews for "Street Fighter Club"

Most awful thing my eyes and ears ever encountered

It had almost nothing to do with Street Fighter, that kind of comes with making a PARODY. A bunch of old, overused jokes and memes thrown together in a horribly written script combined with slightly above mediocre animation. This animation really needs to get blammed.

.....my god

Sad excuse for a parody...or comedy... It was probably the least entertaining thing i've ever seen. The "jokes" and the attempt to be random killed me. I think the only time i laughed is at the end.... i laughed at myself for watching the whole thing....

Why did their heads tilt to the side like 90 degrees? That was odd.....

Simply put I just didnt get it or find it at all entertaining. Sorry ;)

My head hurts....

To say that this animation was terrible would only be kind to it's creators. The humour is something that a grade 5 technology class would have cooked up as a final project and it only needed more fart jokes and swearing to get that point across. Using memes with no context and adding other games into a Street Fighter parody (I use this world very very lightly). The jokes about Street Fighter were horrible and I enjoy Street Fighter. You could have done so much more than making gay jokes and using random humour that does not match the context of the "wacky situation" you put the characters nor make sense to the nature of the character. It seems like you just heard a noise and thought "Fei Long steals Cheeseburger and yells like a madman" and call that a legit laugh. If you pitched that joke to the mentally challenged I would be compelled to believe that they would hang themselves over the idea.

This is something you should have kept with friends because no one in their right mind would pass this as humour. Seeing who the writer is, I am sadden to see that this was she can come up with. Stick to V/O and reading other people's work, because you are sure as hell not even to par with the worse humourists on this site.

Fucking terrible.

That was the most retarded thing I've ever seen. Though honestly, this was far from what I would expect from RunkaChunk. Fucking abysmal.

The year is 2023, its still unfunny