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Reviews for "Street Fighter Club"

Man, It was alright

The animation wasn't all that great, but I never really see that as a big deal, because I've seen some funny ass flash with the worst animation ever. But I felt a lot of the jokes just kind of fell flat. There were some really good ones in there, but it could have been a lot better. I still enjoyed it for the most part, but I've seen you do better.
A for effort.

Truly dissapointing

I'm sory but this just wasen't all that good. In fact it was pretty horrible imo. I found a few giggles in it due to stupidity, but I just can't believe that the creator of the best Zelda flash series on NG " Zelda: U.O. " would actually make something this horrible! I'm actually a little dissapointed in you Scoot. -.-

And Rina-Chan; I have no hatred for you and I really respect your work as a voice actress. I actually think your 1 of the best here on NG and you have a very nice/hot voice But... you should just stick to voice acting. all your attemps at writing something for a flash has been horrible. They may have been good enough for a few giggles but other than that... no! Just stick to what your good at... voice acting! And leave the writing/animating to the profesionals alright?

If either of you read this, I hope that you don't get to offended. But, this is my perspective on things.


I was willing to give this benefit of the doubt...

The art wasn't the greatest, but not everyone is a immediate master of flash and conceivably practice makes progress so one can only hope owl necks and Liefeld chests will give way to something a little more fluid and with a better sense of perspective. The writing is inexcusable. Cramming as many memes as possible is not only hilariously not funny, but just plain lazy and uncreative writing. "You lost the game"? I mean, really? Basically this was an affront to all five senses, terrible on levels that don't even exist in this Euclidean dimension, and made The Last Airbender the second worst thing I've had to witness this summer. Congratulations.

.....my god

Sad excuse for a parody...or comedy... It was probably the least entertaining thing i've ever seen. The "jokes" and the attempt to be random killed me. I think the only time i laughed is at the end.... i laughed at myself for watching the whole thing....

Why did their heads tilt to the side like 90 degrees? That was odd.....

Simply put I just didnt get it or find it at all entertaining. Sorry ;)


I have never smashed my own face against my desk so hard before.