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Reviews for "Not Of This World!"

Nothing really good about this...

Well first of all, I have to say something everyone already knows:
This would've been better on Youtube. The menu is a nice touch, but it's completely useless. The extras and photos are really uniteresting, so this would've worked better without them as Youtube-video. 12.1 MB is pretty much for a flash-movie.

The film itself was just plain bad. The whole plot seemed really immature and it was hard to follow it. I'm not even sure if I understood what was going on. It was also waaaay too short. Didn't like it one bit.

I also didn't understand why the quality was so bad. I know it was intentional, but why? If you were trying to get that old sci-fi movie-feeling, you shouldn't have used such modern camera-angles and shot so many short takes. Not really retro, in my opinion.

All the props were pretty simple and looked too cheap. They seemed pretty "household" to me. You didn't really manage to achieve any retro-futuristic atmosphere with them.
You also should've picked a better location to shoot this film. The background seemed out of place and it was a bit too bright for this kind of movie.

The music was really unappealing. It was repetitive and actually sounded quite annoying.

However, the intro was really well made, so I'll give you 3 for that.

AlmightyHans responds:

I agree that narratively speaking it wasn't the perfect story, honestly I was just going for a cheesey little story to experiment with the Super 8 camera for the first time and make something retro looking while I'm at it.

If I were to use the traditional camera angels, I would have needed a set. Because these cameras don't pick up light so well, for the Shots they filmed back in those days, sets were built to have controlled light. They also had more than one day to film. I only had one, and was racing against the sun. So I had to shoot quickly and still keep it interesting.

The props were cheap and house hold looking, because they were.

Also, it's a short movie because it's really expensive to buy and develop super 8 film. And there are only 2 places in all of the U.S. that develop super 8.

I appreciate your response, and just decided to give you some feedback on your points.

some personal advice; don't act like you know what you're talking about. you might run into someone who picks up on your bull shit.

Lack of contents

So what, an effort to create that sensation of old film, fine, but that's it?

What else?
Plot: An astronaut explores an strange place and someone/something mysterious appears behind him and... that's it?

Dude, work a bit more!!!

And don't get me started about the "END?" cliche, added to it that the story haven't even got started when you already "END?" it...

Music was fine, the menus are basic stuff. Good that you have a collaborative attitude. That's why I give you more than zero stars.
Now keep on woking and start thinking of contents.

Not very interesting

The movie was so dark that it was hard to see what was going on. The video also clearly needed to be deinterlaced. As for the plot, what plot? The music was nice, but that's about it.


"Let me know what you think of my silly film."
It's silly. What should i think about silly stuff?

AlmightyHans responds:

that they're fun? haha