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Reviews for "Arcuz"


and for those 4- you have bad taste in retro games

Great Game

people its not a bug when ur character slows down its a weight limit/carry limit on character check the backpack other than that this game has great 2D graphics i like the fact that its at times challenging and that i need to train hard before moving on but like wow even monsters at = lvl seem to take like 20-30 hits before they fall O.o


I think this game really should have a higher rating. The controls are really smooth and I like the retro combat style. The game has alot of grinding but I dont mind this because the most fun part of the game actually is beating up the enemies XD. Also, i would have rated this 10/10, but I rate 9/10 because I heard alot of other people had some bugs. However, I havent had any bug up until now and im level 8. Anyway great job on the game!

Good Game with a Bug

A good game, but needs some improvement.

Great retro 2D graphics. This is probably the game's strongest point

As far as gameplay, anyone who complains about the controls have apparently never played Zelda, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, or any old school action-rpg. I like the simplicity to it all, but would appreciate a wizard class (or skill tree) -maybe that's could be in a sequel.

I'm going to echo everyone by saying that there was too much grinding for a solo rpg. Also, there needs to be a way to refresh your health and mana for free -maybe the well in the middle of the village. And there definitely need to be more item drops.

There also needs to be a more defined number for weapon speeds. I don't even realize a difference in attack speed when I put points into the mastery skill.

However, there is one BIG BUG that you need to take care of: Sometimes my character will just slow down to the point of almost not being able to move at all. I can't find anyway around this other than starting a new character, and it's a big drag. Until this bug gets fixed I can't possibly give it a high rating

quite good

just keeps freezing on me though