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Reviews for "The Last Gift"

Holy Shit

This flash animation is quite good, and in some ways, I can relate because, to be quite frank, there are a lot commoners that I wish to lash into the cessation of their being whilst I am bereaved of any backlash due to said lashings.

I was blind,

But by my lord's (back)side, I could see that he was shooting bread loaves and fish at me from his butt.
I was deaf, but I could hear him laughing.

Now that I think about it, he was kind of a jerk anyway.


this is pretty funny, even if the satire is a blatant disregard towards the sensitivity of believers or non-believers. Put aside all your complicatedly intricate beliefs about religion or science and you can see this is pretty damn funny. I mean, farting fish out the ass as a last gift? classic.

But seriously people. respect Jesus. In the history of, well anything, he is the only person having been recorded as dying for the sake of mankind. Who else did that?

An interesting surprise

I admit, I didn't really know what was going on at first; I was impressed with the artistry but slightly weirded out as the narration went on. I didn't know where this was going and was afraid it would somehow turn out more Jesus-y than I was willing to sit through, but the end made me laugh. And watching it the second time around with the "guest narrator" was great.

neophyte-ronin get a life

you make no sense you say you dont care about the debate between science and religion but half your rant is just that

and as for science minded being disenfranchised outsiders thats typical of the hollyer than thou mindset as is your asumption this was made to make you mad insitead of make some laugh

if you dont like it look away