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Reviews for "Tamara"


i love these typs of storys . hey man u got some talent. if u ever want some good storys e-mail me at nucum@hotmail.com. dont click on my name cuz i dont us that address any more . if u do deside to us some of my storys in a flash u dont have to give me any credit for it unless u want to. i just think it would be cool to see thim on newgrounds.and im not saying that u have to use them but at the very least pleas let me tell u some incase u chang ur mined .remember the address is nucum@hotmail.com incase ur interested

Ubolnik responds:

I just love geting good reviews (as rare as they may be)
sure. I'll e-mail you

gotta give some credit to where due

Its pretty freaky and all, but not good enough. Maybe add a twist to it, more victums, then someone suspects her and report her to the cops nad blah blah blah...it could use some work. But not bad. :)

Ubolnik responds:

Thanks :-) I really appriciate it.
It's nice to hear some nice, or at list fai reviews because most ppl that gave reviews HATED it.

I din't understand why ppl think that saying the word "Fuck" makes them seem more intellegent or "bad"


I gotta know what the name of the song you used for it was...it was creepiliy hypnotic. It was nice and bloody, just the way I like it. Write to me if you want the whole legend behind the movie...nagyfing@earthlink.net

Ubolnik responds:


The name of the singer is "Julie cruise" and the song is called "Into the night".

Problem: suspense missing

You would have a stronger product if the male character uncovered some clues about his captor/girlfriend. Who came before, life insurance policies, newspaper clippings about missing or dead husbands.


Firstly, it makes no sense. A woman lures a helpless man to his death with her bad breath? Okay, but seriously, it has no depth and isn't interesting at all. Also, the forehead isn't an artery, so there couldn't be that much blood. And lastly, it had no climax. Just a dead guy, who you knew was going to die from the getgo. Snore.

Ubolnik responds:

Okay, first of all its you're right not to like it. At list you said why...
First thing, you wern't supposed to know the man is going to die.
And it wasn't her bad breath.... for the third time.... I didn't envent the story. I just tried to make a decent flash about it