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Reviews for "The Siege Of Theldale"

Great Game, But Some Glitches...

This is a great game. Fun and hard, but beatable. I did beat the main story line, got to wave 35 then quit to write the review.

I found a glitch in the achievements section. I have them all except the "kill 10 enemies with one explosion." I got to wave 35 and still didn't get that special attack. There is also a glitch in the stats section. I'm getting over 100% accuracy, which only occurs after I beat the main story. And during gameplay the counter at the bottom of the screen that says how many enemies are left is off by 3 enemies. Only the first level is correct after that when you beat the next waves it will say 3 enemies remaining.

Great voice acting, I like the cut scenes between and the ending scene was very well done too. Graphics were good, could have been better, but they worked for me. It also would have been nice if there was a save function, so I don't have to keep playing from the beginning.

Still a great game, just needs some updates to make it the best.

Presentation: 10
Graphics: 8
Physics: 9
Sound: 9
Replay Value: 9
Overall: 9.0

Keep up the great work; I look forward to many more of these games.

Xeptic responds:

There's actually an enemy that carries a barrel of gunpowder which you have to shoot. I just noticed that I screwed up part of the coding and that enemy never actually appears. I've fixed that now though :) Thanks for the review. It will be the last one though

Great, but not flawless

This is a spectacular game. No doubt about it. The difficulty goes up rather smoothly and is sufficiently challenging. And the ending was actually very cool.

There are some few issues, though. The game definitely depends on your ability to headshot skill (at least, until all the upgrades reach level 3). However, due to the nature of your accuracy in the early game, the spread of shots seem to be random that it's impossible to get consistent earnings. Thankfully, the game does seem to weigh in favor of headshots.

Is it just me, or do I seem to get more headshots at level 2 accuracy than at level 3 accuracy? And does limping an enemy with a leg shot have absolutely no effect on their walking speed?

You made the intro skippable-however, the in-game cutscenes need to be skippable too (even if they aren't that long). They are cool the first time, but, they can be annoying on replays.

I also noticed the glitch of the enemies remaining counter at the end of a level as well. But it wasn't always 3. It was 8 at wave 19, for instance. Likely, it has something to do with kills from special abilities.

Also, at times, arrows seem to actually go right through enemies. I've actually taken notice of it a couple times, but during my playthrough while writing this review, there was one such incident at the end of wave 18. I saw literally 5 arrows of my arrows go right through a spearman at around upper neck level without any effect. A little adjusting, though, and then he died, but not before the guy got off a few cheap shots.

Now, for some opinions.

I don't like the fact that you actually have to purchase accuracy-I prefer skill than chance.

The throwing axemen are probably the worst enemies in the game. Their shield seems to be invincible, or at least it can take a whole bunch of shots. Yeah, you have to shoot his legs, then take out the head, but it gets increasingly harder to hit his legs more he gets close. And then, they're usually the ones protecting their other comrades from getting hit. By the time he's right at your doorstep throwing his axes that do chunks of damage to your castle walls, it's a matter of luck to down him. For some reason, shooting him while he's trying to throw his axe doesn't seem to work all that well (at least, from what I've seen).

Xeptic responds:

Mate cheers for the lengthy review. I'd be the last one to say that the game doesn't have its flaws :) There are certain parts I should've paid more attention to. After a certain amount of time you become sort of oblivious to your own mistakes when you're developing something, should've spend a bit more time on beta-testing, that's a lesson I've learned for future problems now though! :) Thanks again

very good and addictive game but...

How do I get explosions ?
Please answer I'd like to have all the achievements^^

Xeptic responds:

I'm having some trouble uploading the version which fixes that particular bug


but i have 3 problems.1, i think it costs way to much to repair.2, ax throwers are way to hard to kill.and 3,there should be more than just 3 upgrades.other than that i loved it

Very Amusing

This game was a lot of fun for me!
The ending of the story was also very cool, but next time maybe you can add some more upgrades, those axemen were annoying, but they were easy beatable (especially with accuracy up). And I have never sawn a siege without catapults, but then again, you can't destroy catapults with an arrow (unless it's on fire).

Overall a great game!