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Reviews for "R-Evolution"


Love the concept, and the animation was just fabulous :}

Keep up the great work for us, please!!

Pretty nice and enjoyable

Was a good idea, but there were some problems, u went by Lamarcks theory which was they improve as the other generations are born, but it's actually mutation/adaption and natural selection :P.
Btw, how did the mice find a cheese when people weren't evolved that much yet :D


Mate, disregard what the guy below me said, its great!


It was pretty cool. 9/10 only for the fact that there was no replay button.
Everyone needs to back off on the religion subject it just a flash movie. Go fight it out in the forums. No one here wants to read a comment about who is right and who is wrong.

Good idea lacking in some areas

BTW i got an account and this is my first post :).

it seemed to me like your video had a good base theme and stuff, but you used like molecules and atom symbols when you were switching your species, dont do those do like a cell or DNA.
I really liked how you didnt do the simple fish frog monkey human evolution tree you tried to make it more in depth by starting with the cell then diviiding and working your way up and so on, then continueing with the aliens(really caught me off guard their!). the animation seemed good to me but i'm not one whos a good judge. next time i would not have the species die out but have them start to develop into their new shapes(dont even bother trying to show reproduction and selective evolution that would go way off into another level of difficulty)
i gave 9/10 cause it was goood animation and brought out new ideas on the evoltuion idea tree but was confusing and may have given the wrong imression saying that persay frogs die then mice just pop up out of nowhere.

now for the other people who comment on this...
creationists, nobody cares what you think on evolution. i might get where your coming from if you say man isn't related to fish but to put it in perspective, it took 8 million years for man to go from the most primitve homo hominid to the modern homo sapien. likewise take a guess for the time to go from bacteria in the ocean to a fish that starts to over time get legs that allow it to outlive and outlast the rest...

i have just rambled through all that and no one will probaly bother reading any of this so i'll just stop and leave this URL and see if anyone freaks out about this NON-promotion

(it's not a promotion just a flick off to narrow minded people who don't think evolution works!)