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Reviews for "Fandito Halloween 2009"

meh feh,

depending on your age this is either a good flash or pretty bad since the twist was really obvious. kudos to all the hard work though, but next time you should animate to a better plot. not that theres anything I can think of right now, but if I came up with that lame joke I definitely wouldn't waste my time animating it. still... looked nice.

it was cute

whats the name of the credits song? its awesome. and it was ok. i mean the jokes were funny but not notable. same with the animation and the sound was off a bit. muffled. funny story tho ^-^


Now make an english version with better stuff but don't change the ending.


Good animation, but the jokes were pretty lame and obvious :S


el sonido estaba mal .... y la misma broma de "esa es tu casa" se ha hecho miles de veces.....
lo que si me gusto fue el disfraz, las piedras, la bolsa, etc...
osea la preparacion para el halloween de ahi en adelante fue en decaida