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Reviews for "Dream Adventure!"

that's life

sometimes it sucks. cool pixel animation.

Emptygoddess responds:

Sometimes it has pie.

you wasted...

your life. Stupid princess. Probably doesnt even exist lol.

Emptygoddess responds:

Probably not.

Your movie...

I know the 8 rating might be a little harsh, but for a split second, this movie had me feeling pretty sorry for myself. But then, I stopped and thought: Video games entertain me. I have had a passion for them for a long, long time. They entertain several people. Players with skill to play in National Tournaments are dedicated enough to play for hours on end just to improve. Is that really a crime, or something to feel bad about? Can one really consider themselves a loser for making that choice?

There are far worse ways to entertain oneself, in all actuality. The abuse of drugs, or alcohol, torturing small animals, exercising James Bond Catch-All-STDs-And-Spread-The-Love level promiscuity, beating on a "loved" one, etc. Even still, if there are healthier ways to entertain oneself, such as exercise, hiking, surfing, fishing, drawing, reading, amongst a small few of them, is that really to say that one has wasted their life? If it is something one is passionate about, enjoys, and takes more from it than just "button pressing," one can see that video games have so much more to offer than wasted time.

Not only improving problem solving and logical skills, the player experiences a story, interacts with the game world in a way movies, music, and novels ever could, and inspires interaction with like-minded individuals (which explains the popularity of online services and multiplayer gaming.) Video games are no different than those that choose to spend their lives pursuing other hobbies, and in no way, should one logically, and realistically say they "wasted their life."

One could always spend their time differently, and though life is full of choices and what ifs, it doesn't necessarily mean it has to be full of regret. And clearly, your choices from the past inspired you to create a beautiful piece like this one, though quite depressing, so "wasting your time" trying to "save the princess" seems like so less a "waste."

Most people that don't understand the value of video games, that don't see beyond the model or sprite moving across the screen, tell those that do understand that it is a waste of time. Some fall to the beliefs of others, some stand against it. Do what makes you happy, no less. If you enjoy gaming, then game. If others tell you that you have wasted your time, that you have wasted your life, ask them: What have they done that proves they haven't wasted theirs?

Emptygoddess responds:

The 8 isn't harsh at all, thank you.


Good animation, but the message seems a bit.. I don't know, right winged? If some one spends a majority of their life playing games, and has enjoyed doing so. Is that life really wasted? Not in that persons eyes, I would think anyway.

It is typical to think that if some one isn't following the social norm, getting educated, getting a diploma, and working, are people who are wasting their lives, but many don't realize that working 40+ hours a week, are doing it just so they can survive in this fast paced world.

A lot of people hate their jobs, but they need to suck it up and go to it day after day just so they can pay their constant expenses just for living. Wasting their time doing something they hate, just so they have the green to give it back to the world just for being part of it.

To me that's a waste of life. Sure you're contributing to society some how and in return you get little green tickets that allow you to live more comfortably, but we're forced to do so if we want shelter and a place to call our own.

A person who spends his time playing video games is no different from some one who spends his time working, playing soccer, going to the movies, going to the bar, or going camping. Because we all have to spend time away from our hobbies in order to pay for them. That is the true waste...

((Don't get me wrong, I have a job myself.))

I'll give you 8 out of 10 since this site is about animation and what not. It was a good flick, definitely had a dark and deep sense to it. I just don't agree with the overall message.

Emptygoddess responds:

Indeed, that is a very nice review for someone who doesn't agree with how the animation made them feel. Thank you.

Yeah, first time I watched this several years ago and I was incredibly angry, but I think I have matured since then, even if just a little bit. This surely sends a strong message and I have to admit that this is rather personal issue for me too. (Ironically, I really like these kinds of videos. Serious, harsh lessons yet artistic).

Emptygoddess responds:

Interesting. Why were you so angry back then?