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Reviews for "Glass Fish Rhythm"


Really i mean if it's not hard its dumb if it's too hard needs to be easier why can't all of you lighten up and just play what's there all of you acting like spoiled brats ever hear the phrase "beggars can't be choosers" if it's so easy for all you guys why don't you guys make a game cause i'm pretty sure it's sooo easy plus when they make a game they don't know what people are excpecting in a game they just make it hoping for the best and to please you guys and plus its not that hard all you do is avoid touching things kinda like a old atari game to be honest i dont't see the big deal with this game its good its ok it's normal stop bitching!!


Mr. "PrettyMuchBryce" and Mr. "rossthesauce" I would like to formally apologize for the sissies that have put in bad reviews because of difficulty. And this is what they meant to say..."Great Game!!! I loved the challenge of it. It would have been a pain in the ass, but since you have a merciful soul, you gave us the choice of where to respawn, and you only have three levels. Thanks for making it easier." I do agree that you should have put in a button to stop the music, although it was one of the main concepts of the game, some of that midi music can get really annoying, although some of you lazy people could just turn down your volume! Anyways, the only part I thought you should get rid of was the bats. Bats underwater? Plus, that part was the hardest. Other than that you have a great game...well, get a better SFX for dying, if he's made of glass, why does he sound like paper ripping when he dies? Oh well, that's just being nit-picky.

1.The Story Begins - Watch the beginning movie.
2.Dead End - Take the upper path above the statue that explodes on level 1(make sure you go all the way to the back)
3.Heads Up - Actually...I haven't found this one..(sorry)
4.NOOB - Die within the first five seconds of the first level.
5.Heatin' Up - Touch the fire on the first level.
6.Level Won - Beat the first level.
7.Lights Out - Still trying to find this too. (sorry again)
8.Shark Meat - Get killed by shark on level two.
9.BOOtiful - Go through ghost fish on level two. (I said THROUGH! that means when he is invisible, if you died, you're stupid)
10.Level Too - Beat the second level.
11.Hot Air - Touch the steam on level three.
12.Pancaked - Get squished by squishers on level three.
13.Beginning of The End - Get to final boss.(Wizard...duh)
14.Is it over? - Get to Wizard's second form.
15.Adventure Over - Beat the game.
16.Eggxactly - Lay an egg.
17.Hole in one - Lay egg in hole. (any hole)
18.Amnesia - ...I think you just get this one...randomly
19.Very Plausible - Pause the game(press 'P')
20.Sponsered by... - click on the NG icon on the main menu(for noobs, NG means Newgrounds...it's the picture of a tank)
21.Pretty Much - Click on the words 'PrettyMuchBryce' on the main menu...at the bottom...fine print...white letters...yeah, right there, goooood, you did it)

The medals are actually pretty obvious...except the HERO one...I beat the game but I didn't get it...

So if anyone can please fill in the last two acheivements for me and how to get the hero medal, please do. (:

No. Just no.

It's obvious you tried really hard to create an enjoyable game, stylish 8-bit graphics and catchy rhythmic tunes, the only problem is that it just isn't fun.

In Glass Fish Rhythm you play as a fish that is turned into glass by the evil wizard who is trying to take over atlatis, in it you swim through 3 different worlds and try to make it to the end without touching ANYTHING. The gameplay is rudimentary, old and nothing particularly interesting stands out as far as it being somewhat of a rhythm game.

The good news however is that all the characters and environments are all very carefully and beautifully constructed, the graphics were top notch 8-bit goodness.

The bad news is everything else is hit and miss, the controls were either too sloppy or too sensitive and they never felt very fitting for the gameplay style. The gameplay was absolutely terrible. The game ensures you a quick and frustrating death since everything yo touch will kill you, this isn't fun and when mixed with the horrible controls creates one frustrating mess.

The game allows you to save the game whenever you want up to 3 times, I don't actually have any real complaint about this excpet for a quick FUCK YOU for not letting us save or give us any checkpoints during the final boss, if you die anytime during the final fight you have to lose all your progress and start at the begining of the level, not the fight. This was an amateur move on your part and forces the player to sit through the same boring level only to have to go back because they accidnetly brushed up against the wall because the controls are so terrible.

With great stellar graphics and artistic presentation but probably the single most frustrating gameplay, you get a....



It was too damn hard dude!
make it easier! and it's a little boring though....

i just cant do it anymore...

The game is just too hard to be fun. Besides the well written music its just too difficult. If ANY pixel of you touches ANYTHING but pure water, you just explode into a million pieces. Also, the slippery controls didn't help much either. It felt like i had to keep barely tapping the right arrow to inch along through the tiny corridors or else i would either not move at all or go flying forward into a wall. The point of a game is to be entertaining and i just dont find repeating a level over and over and over to be fun so... yah, you get it.