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Reviews for "Glass Fish Rhythm"

ok see

this game is ok

mm, good work

But i can't play it becouse its to laggy, i can only play the first 10 seconds

Good music game!

Mm mmm, I'm impressed with the whole game.

Graphic wise, ahh, brings me back to the old days of the NES.

Music, booyah, good job, they really sync it so well and it's worth faving & saving the SWF file for storage.

Gameplay, woo, quite hard for only a one-shot health.

But overall, good job, very impressively done. Double thumbs up!

Very nice game!

~ Animation ~

All of the animation was very smooth. Barely did the game ever lag for me, but when it did there were a few parts where it really did me in and I ran into something. :P

~ Graphics ~

I liked the sprite/8-Bit type of feel that you get from the graphics. Everything was drawn out very well and I don't have any complaints about anything with the art work.

~ Content ~

I might break this subject down into a couple of different parts so it doesn't get too cluttered. My overall view on the game that it was hard at first, but once you got into it the game was really easy. It kept me coming back and once you get the rhythm down (hmm, I wonder why it's called that?) the game is really easy and enjoyable.

The idea for the game is really original. It's not only your classic avoid things while the screen moves game, but it actually has a deep story behind it. I suggest that everyone watch the scenes and not skip them to understand the game that you are playing! Not only that though, you have finally explained the reason why you die when you hit something. In most games you just hit the wall and you die for no reason, but obviously there is a reason in this game as you are made of glass.

The medals give it a really nice feel and keep you coming back to play the game again. The really fun medal was the one that you got for gathering all of the in game achievements! Those are the best kind by far. If you were to double the amount of achievements then you could of added even more fun to this game for people like me. :)

There is a small glitch where if you pause the game during the last boss fight then his fire balls will go right through you and continue off of the screen. It can really help when the fire balls are being shot a bunch at a time or from the top of the screen down, but you might want to fix it so people can't take the easy way out in the end. :(

I think you set the game up (if you were to make a sequel) very well for the story. You could also set it up with a money system where you place things of value in dangerous spots in the game. If they collect these things then between levels they can buy upgrades such as more lives, faster movement, a gun that you can take enemies out with, etc..

~ Audio ~

The audio really adds a lot to this game. Some games use the audio well, but the way you synced up the animation on the screen with the sounds of the music was amazing! It really made the game fun and helped during gameplay as it gave you some tips and clues. Sound effects were also good.

~ Overall ~

One of my favorite medal games. A little challenging at first, but after you get the hang of it then it's quite fun. I think you set it up for a sequel if you wanted to and you could really add a lot of new features to a sequel submission such as this.

Aggrivation anyone?

This game was ok. Not great, not horrible, just ok. The music was good, the pixelated animation was well done and the concept was pretty unique. I don't have a gripe about the mechanics or the difficulty. What I do have a gripe about is how you have infinite lives if you DON'T use an egg, but only have 3 lives if you DO. Considering some of the sections require miraculous luck to slip by unshattered, I would have appreciated something along the lines of maybe one continue egg per level and unlimited tries. I mean it's just aggrivating to get by a tough section, lay the egg, and then get murdered at the next section and have to restart from th ebeginneing. Kind of killed the incentive to continue for me. Other than that it was pretty good.