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Reviews for "Heroes of Cybertron"

it was ok

the fight scene was a little bland though

crappy rip-off

this was like shitty transformers. no, this was no transformers. shameful.


This film is too good to be a parordy...it isn't it is the greatest thing ever...despite the loading wait. Optimus looks better here too. the transformers deserve this... Hasbro should pay Mr. Ortiz for this brilliance...


I gave this animation a "1" in both Sound and Graphics, solely for that fact that it contained sound and graphics. Notice the "0" for style, because of it's total lack of any.

The Animation is terrible. Poorly drawn still shots intermixed with chunky, blocky "Anime Style" animation, although it's a shame to even compare this with even the worst Japanese Animation. Speed Racer had better animation (And a better story to boot)

Then there's the story, or lack of. Amazingly, even without any sort of real plot, this animation somehow manages to be prtentious and overly self-important. I must give credit to Mr. OrtizAnimationZ for figureing out how to do that!

All it all, this is total garbage. After watching this, I'm embarrased to say that I'm a Transformer fan. Total crap.

MindChamber responds:

I have to admit the Graphics and animation aren't the best, but thats because I was learning how to trace and animate with the wacom tablet,Which doesn't give you as much freedom as I thought it would, and this was a preview..So the story is supposed to be a bit vague....But the next TRAILER, will show more of the story, and the animation will be hand drawn THEN scanned in....Though I still do think you were a bit harsh with your review, and I also know no matter how I hard I work on something there will always be asshole critics, who couldn't do it half as good... So thank you Fat_Josh, and Go fuck yourself.

remember me muther fucker

hi i just wanted to say your animation was shit and i thought i should let you know that i didnt actually expect any1 to like th job cos it was trhe first thing i done when i got flash 5 so since i dont care what you think maybe you should go and fuck yourself

MindChamber responds:

STop It :(....Mommy The bad man is scaring me..... Actually, No I don't remember you are your shitty animation...heh, did you expect me to remember a nobody like you?...get real.....Actually if you didn't care what I thought,then why did you write a review? Awwwwww , did I hurt your feelings? sniff** snif***---------------HhheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA