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Reviews for "The Disney Collab"

This was hilarious

They were all really funny bt the Peter Pan one music was from Pirates Of The Carrabien.

It was ok

I think the low ratings are a bit unfair, since the animation was decent. It did have a few amusing moments at times. However, I didn't feel it was worth a 9 or a 10. My favorite clip was the first one. That one seemed to have the most thought put into it. I also enjoyed the header sequence. The Fantasia clip reminded me of when I first saw Fantasia in the theater. It ended up being the only Disney movie that I ever slept through.

None of the clips were particularly bad, but only the first one really impressed me humor-wise. Many of the more humorous clips seemed to be too short. Others had mostly generic, gross, immature, humor. The collab was an above average effort. However, I might suggest checking out "Bambee", if a sequel is planned. I think Bambee clearly shows the potential of the Disney-Parody concept. Animation was good. Next time, try just a bit harder on the stories. I understand the concept of shorts, but many of the shorts seemed incomplete and too short.

To be fair, many of these wouldn't have been so bad, if similar jokes hadn't already been used in so many other flashes. The Cinderella animation did show some promise. I think the generic, exaggerated, Shatner impression ruined it a bit, though. All submissions were passable. Most of them could have used a little refinement, though. That's just my opinion.


Ehh. It's no groundbreaker. It was all around OK. 7/10 3/5


some are great, but some are shit.
good job

overall pretty bad

The far right pinocchio was ok, but your guys need to adjust your sense of humour a bit.