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Reviews for "The Lost Lake"

That song...

I am giving this a 9.0 it to strikes a chord in me maybe its the type I am that I believe in hope that maybe I hope this is what the other side is like someother world that still goes on some how with everything that gets lost and stuck inbetween the middle maybe it goes here. to a lost lake. I also was wonderign it reminds me of a song and maybe this song has a video that went with it if this is from that same songs video than I would be so happy to know if so or not either way is fine it just seems so familiar to me. I was also feeling lost there at the same time I found this flash hum.. how odd could there be.....

not bad

I liked it, it had good animation i can tell why it took you 3 months. The musics good to, you did good and I believe you deserved your spot on the front page.

the mon was dieing?

i saw a face of sufer in the mon
o men you make me think
about my death and that it could happen
in any moment we have to apreciate our
lives as well

pretty good

i didn't get it until the part with the rabbit


It actually took me until the bunny to get what the train meant. Nice work on the subtlety.

I gotta say that the music choice was perfect for this. It gave a lot of power to the visuals in this piece. Even as moving as it was, I still kinda laughed when the dog got hit by an airplane.

One minor gripe, though. I liked the soldier's scene, but it felt sort of empty. The entire battle appeared to consist of him, 2 other guys, and a tank somewhere. I appreciate the work you put into showing his death (and the reverse timelapse), but seeing no other soldiers or even a gun in the other soldiers' proximity really took me out of the mood in that scene.

PapaLongLegs responds:

Yeah I had this huge war scene planned out with tons of soldiers, but when it came to doing it, thre would have been too much of a job on one guys hands!