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Reviews for "Vault Assault"

Simple but good

This is a fairly simple and straight forward game to play which in the end can get one addictive do it especial as you can upgade you character .
Though in time the same stage and skeletons can get boring

For the game to reach full mark there should have been a more vararity in the type of terrain and monsters. And perhaps selectable characters

well done to mdam :)


need some responsive controls...:S but's it's a nice game...

Good but not great

Its pretty good and a good concept but i found a bug -.- on level twelve i was left with two skelingtons that were invincible. i went on for like 5- 10 minutes but they wouldnt die. improvments:
-Different classes Archer, Warrior, different variants of these etc, theif, monk. each with their own special attacks weapons etc.

-More variation in enemies and maybe bosses?

- maybe a skill tree other than just item advancement?

These ideas would make it kickass so go for it


First what I like in this game is art designe :D That girl is moving slow like cow. In the first game was so hard before I figure out some technik like: exposion, teleport, kill the single ones and again expolosion, teleport and so on...I died on stage with 50enemies and I was shocked :| No continues??!! This game must have contines!! Sorry for lame english btw :P

It's surprisingly not too bad

The concept is solid, the idea is not too original but it works great, graphics are decent and it's always a pleasure to slaughter stuff mindlessy.

But this submissions has some leaks and needs some ideas and improvemente, for example:

Better animation: They're not too bad, but still they're too robotic and repetitive. It would be great to have different animations on enemies and you attacks.

More classes: Only one is way too reductive: you need at least other three.

A story: I like the concept of meaningless slaughter of skeletons, but perhaps a generic storyboard would improve the general atmosphere.

More items: I felt really disapponted when I found out there were no more items to buy and to equip, you need to implement tons of them: people loves that.

Less generic enemies: I know, skeletons are evil and wrongdoers but some variations would be much better. Also, bosses.

Better controls: They're stiff as fuck, that leads to the animation point since you can't attack or jump if the animation isn't complete.

Landscapes: Seriously, one is never enough. Same for music.

Where are the sound effects?

Level up: I noticed it by chance, a more visible benefit from level up would be great, addng a bar that makes you notice that would be even better.

Why can't I attack while I jump?

Implement that and the game may be actually cool, but as it is is rather limited and redundant.

I'll give you a 6 because it needs improvement, and a 3 because I enjoyed it for a good quarter hour.