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Reviews for "M.O.T.O.R"

Absolutely Badass

-The music was awesome.
-Blew my mind for a Madness flash.
-The action was really well done, as well. My favorite being the suspended lightsaber above the trooper, and being force pulled through it.

I also dug the hell out of using the grounded starships cannons before he got out in the hallway

But what completely blew my mind was how you incorporated 3D into it...the lighting and the dynamic camera angles were brilliant.

I have to ask, since I'm taking basic 3D rendering with Maya every Thursday at college, how did you manage to import the 3D animation into flash?

Like, what all did you have to do?

The only constructive criticism I can provide is the action could have been more rapid. I'm looking forward to your response!

Voted 5!

DutchinLive responds:

I did maya in my digital media course, and it makes my brain hurt, but I wouldn't mind learning it again. Swift 3d is basically a 3d flash engine, same system as Maya, no NURBS, all polygons. It has an exporting feature which makes your rendered scene a .swft which gets imported into flash on 3 layers (depending on settings), object, highlights and shading or something.

So it basically comes in as a frame by frame movie clip in flash, ready for you to screw with it how you wish.

PM me if you want.

very nice

i found one of your references
the guy asking for a smoke and got squished bij the spaceship
the smae thing happened when hank drova a car against 2 guards in madness 3
but that's the only one i could find

DutchinLive responds:

Keep looking, there's about 14 I think


Thia was like starwars if the gore levels went up 200% 10/10 5/5 :D
i like the plot too...


It was a great idea to remix the cigar-car-boom scene. BTW, you could have used the force a little more, since it´s a star wars parody. It´s a little short, too.
But it´s still a pretty good job. 4/5, 10/10

DutchinLive responds:

Time constraints kill everything, I was going to use force jump and force lightning, but alas, they'll have to wait for the next one!

The meat shield bit

that was awesome how he used that mandalorian as a meat shield and shot through his head with a blaster rifle a classic move.

DutchinLive responds:

Well he wasn't using it for anything else!