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Reviews for "Exmortis 3"

This sucks

I liked the original 2 But having to pay and all this psycic and helth stuff just makes it really bad

disappointed me

After episode one and two I thougt that the third episode would kick the shit out of you. Man, really, this episode was way to complicated and had not such a good storyline as the previous ones. The whole stuff with the Telepath didn't pleased to me as well. And the worst is that you now want to make money with it. Why that?
All in all, this one is pathetic compared to the other ones. I am sorry that I said all that, and I am still hoping that there will be a FREE sequel.

oh boy a pay to play demo

not trying to come off as an asshole here
people have better things to spend their money on than a flashgame, i am one disappointed seaotter MR. leffler. what happened to you? if flash has evolved then why is the mouse cursor still slower than a 7year old with autism? why does it still look like it has free flash game quality? if you were in need of money you should invest in a job(im just sayin)
if you are going to make people pay for a game then you should be pumping out game CDs and develop it like a real game(like what they did with alien hominid)
ill give it a 3 because the first two games were good, but this is just a disappointment

LefflerWebDesign responds:

I guess the "free flash game quality" of Exmortis 3 is a matter of opinion, really. Without coming across as self-adulant or arrogant, I like to think that the quality of the work I produced on Exmortis 3 is somewhat better than that of the average "free flash game". If I was not of that opinion, I wouldn't be here defending my work regularly like this.

And the slow mouse cursor thing is indicative of a lower spec system (admittedly, certain effects and scenes within this game were coded in a way that would push lower spec machines to breaking point)

I am a little guilty of trying to do too much in many ways and that on the odd occasion causes lagging if you are running a slow machine/an older version of Flash or if you have more than a few browser windows open and using flash.

I do suggest maybe checking out the download version of the game on Fizzy.com if these problems persist - as that version works perfectly on most systems.

" if you were in need of money you should invest in a job " -- I'm pretty sure that is exactly what I did. 3RD Sense hired me to make this game and other games... so yep - investing in a job is exactly what I did.

" if you are going to make people pay for a game then you should be pumping out game CDs and develop it like a real game(like what they did with alien hominid) " -- Just because the game doesn't come in a box does not mean it isn't a "real game". We've invested in an alternative distribution model, and a successful model at that. So I guess the sales figures speak for themselves.

I'm sorry you are disappointed, however - ONCE AGAIN - it seems that the main issue being taken is with the pay-2-play idea, which I've resigned to the majority of people on Newgrounds never really understanding. Let's agree to disagree, shall we? :)

Cheers for the feedback,

Not that bad!

Honestly, though the first 2 were better, this one was still pretty good.
No way close to Exmortis 2, but i'm satisfied.
Some people hate the whole "Pay To Play" thing, but I say good for you!
If you keep this up, I can see a full-fledged Exmortis PC game in your future, my friend.


When I first played Exmortis 1 and 2 I loved them and wanted to see this one made. I followed the blog over its creation for a long time my face was all like :D every time I saw a new screenshot. In any case the game was ok, it had a few puzzles and stuff (the magic powers was rather random) but it still wasn't as good compared to the older ones.

Also, I was a sad panda when it got to release day and realised I was playing a "demo".