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Reviews for "Night Shade: Out Of Reach"

I liked it

Finally a good ninja game! Very good work.

Mennez responds:



I got a good kick outa this one, ver nice. Although it can be a bit difficult of pressing A at the right time it's very nice. Bit repetitive over time though.

Mennez responds:

Glad you like it, and yeah it can be tough, especially once you get a bit further into the game. Things tend to go faster and it becomes more challenging. The game does have a bit of a repetitive nature since you keep dodging and doing quicktime events, but I'm sure the challenges can keep you entertained, and the fact that some of the enemies and obstacles only appear in a later stage ;)

I like it

It would be more interesting if the enemies would change faces, also include more easy-to-achieve upgrades for your character like a red bandana or a sword or something. a really good makeup would be slow-motion-battles against bosses and levels. since environment is changing all the time why not include levels like running for 5 minutes or so... and then a boss! This would spice it up!

Anyway I like your game, very good idea!

Mennez responds:

Good suggestions! Thanks!

Not easy.

It's good but I think it's way too fast paced. Everything is good, but sometimes when I attack an enemy nothing happens and I lose health.
Anyway, I see what you wanted to do, and I like it.

Mennez responds:

Thanks about your review. I will read every comment people post here. The game was meant to be difficult though ;). It's for the hardcore gamer, that's why the challenges are difficult to get.

You can reduce or increase your speed of your character when you're going to fast, but aware for an enemy boat or helicopter, which will appear in the screen!

Anyways thanks about your review. I was wondering if someone has already unlocked a new character?

found a bug

i accidentally took the lower road, then my ninja like dude slowed down, stopped and the chopper appeared and shot me and then it said challenge completed
aside from that everythinfg was quite good and i dont think it was really hard

Mennez responds:

Lol actually that isn't a bug ;). It is a challange: Get killed by the enemy helicopter ;)!