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Reviews for "Eridani RTS"

Its alright

But you're trying too hard. Flash is only capable of so much, and a detailed RTS falls beyond its limits.
Its a nice concept, but asides from the obvious flash related issues (like pathfinding and enemy AI) there are one or two things I have a problem with. Its probably just me being a nerd, but its going to need a lot more than a near miss of an asteroid to knock our planet out of orbit. It has collided with planets the size of mars before, and our orbit was never in jeapody.

Also planets seem to have too little room to build on. Its part of the making a space based RTS on a 2D interface, when space requires 3D more than any other area.

Try something simpler next time because this sort of idea deserves better than flash.


You know, I'm fine with the mediocre graphics and art and the whole RTS concept, but I couldn't really enjoy this game because it wouldn't let me play it.

I would send a fleet of ships over and click on a building I wanted them to fire on, and some of them would shoot, some of them would fly in circles, and some of them would do absolutely NOTHING. I would go back to my base and start building a new fleet only to find that one or two of my drones had decided to bench themselves and watch the fireworks of their comrades' burning wrecks. On top of that, the enemy AI is... not great. The aforementioned layabouts would be completely sanctioned from any form of fire, and the enemy would only fire at those which were firing. In other words, the drones could walk right up to any of the bases and, so long as there wasn't any firing, they could go anywhere on the map.

I look forward to the day when RTS becomes simple enough that it can even be played in Flash games, but it's apparent to me that the day is not yet there.


somtimes my ships would do somthing else other then wat i wanted them 2 do

Very good potential...

But it still needs a LOT i mean A LOT of work. The begging os good for people that are just starting, so thats good, but later on it jumps from quite easy, to actually a bit hard. you need to ease the player in. Plus, I like it how you have to research the tech levels, but after a few levels, you just automatically start at tech 2, etc. so, it sorta of defeats the purpose of researching the tech levels. Still this was a really great RTS game. It just needs A LOT of work. Plus there are quite a few bugs, I won't say how many or what they are, for people will just use them (defeats the purpose of the game, sorry)


ya got an average, not bad.


i thought i was OK, i liked most of it but ever time i made my army go to the enemies base, they just started flying around the planet instead of attacking.