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Reviews for "Dick Neck: Origins"

The ironic thing is...

if these guys would have just laughed along with everyone else, laughed at themselves, and not gotten so pissed off and worked up over it, then it would have died a quick death. But, no, they got all defensive and pissy, so that just fueled folks into making more fun of them, until it suddenly became an NG meme, which could later go on to be an internet meme if /b/ and other groups embrace it. Moral of the story is, if you make a big deal out of nothing and get your feelings hurt too easily, folks will eat you alive.

PS: read the thread, and god it's hilarious.

Galneda responds:

Right right. Thanks!


What's next pussy head , boob cheek or butt face ?

the possibilities are endless..

Galneda responds:

The world may never know...

Thanks for the review!


lol thats pretty cool and hilarious at same time cant wait to see the next one. keep it up

Galneda responds:

You'll have to wait a while, but I promise it's coming.


This is absolutely the most legendary and epic thing I've ever seen on Newgrounds - and possibly my life - next to Tarboy. I'll go and build a shrine for all of you guys and worship it every day.

Galneda responds:

Hey now...NOTHING compares to Tarboy...that flash was phenomenal.

Like, I appreciate the praise and all...but let's get real here. lol

I'm flattered regardless, though...Thanks!


lol :D nice flash
reject homosexuality xD

Galneda responds: