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Reviews for "The Next Floor"

I suck at this game

Brilliant game. Love it. But I can't seem to get past day 4...

Great game but rapid click to fire it is better

Great game but rapid click to fire it is better, if you hold down your mouse to fire it goes very slow on higher levels

Despite what others said

Bottom of the line the game is addictive. And the only complaint would be more levels


An alright game.

Whilst the concept of the game was unique, the execution of it could of been done a bit better.

For instance, the difficulty of this game was very low. No upgrades were even required. All you needed was 3 level 1 lasers on each elevator, and no monster could ever get passed. Plus, if you did need upgrade, they would just upgrade themselves throughout the game.

Another thing that could of used some work was the variety of monsters. All we had were small, medium, and big foes. That's it. No bosses, no unique monsters that could help out other monsters (Like maybe you could of put in a monster that buffed the other monsters with invicibility, and the only way it could be killed is if you went up/down there yourself, and attacked the monster with your pistol).

I don't know if this is a bug, but whatever it was seems to have given me some frustration throughout the game. During, I believe it was level 3, 4, or 5, don't remember which, but every level after that one seemed to have had this weird thing going for my character, where if there wasn't an elevator on the same floor as my character was, my character would constantly warp me to the right side, preventing me from defending the shaft properly, since I was attacking monsters that I didn't want to attack, and the front ones would end up reaching the shaft.. It happened throughout the entire game after level 3/4/5.

Other than that, the game was definitely a new type of defense game, and I hope to see more new ideas. It seems like you've got a lot of creativity going for ya.

- Nondo


i liked it it was like a td as u said