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Reviews for "Endless War 4"

Best EW!

Make you Endless War 5?This is very good but only 12 mission.Graphicks are best!
And winter war!Im from finland,and i lov winter war missions!

A mauled, unimproved, hideous mess of a game

Endless War 3 was an excellent flash game. One of the very best. This... to be very, very kind, sucks. The entire game feels like it was rushed through production to make a deadline. It's totally unfinished. The graphics are worse than the last game. Grammar is awful, worse than the last game. Weapons are glitchy and unresponsive. They're poorly drawn and designed. Why does an anti-tank rifle fire a flare? The much vaunted lying prone system doesn't do anything but immobilize you. The excellent campaign system in Endless War 3 was scrapped in favor for this puke-inducingly bad stage-based game. The missions now require you to kill all the enemies in a level. Worst of all, your ammo level carries over to the next stage, sometimes leaving you helplessly stranded behind a wall with no weapons as defense. The squad commands are broken and don't work. The grenade throw system which worked so well in the last game is abandoned with a one-button approach which makes the throws inaccurate. Unlike in Endless War 3, where you could get by with pretty much any gun, the guns in this game are either ridiculously powerful or ridiculously weak. Getting stuck with a weak gun basically ends your game. The missions are too arduous and the difficulty is unbalanced. All the creativity and gorgeous art design of the third game is replaced with MS Paint-grade mouse sketches. Movement is sluggish and laggy. It's hard to distinguish ambient and real terrain and you're likely to kill yourself with a rocket launcher many times by hitting a rock you thought was a ground piece. All the old weapons return, but they're never used because none of the campaigns take place in the modern day and they're only usable with the cheat. The few new weapons that are present are all just remakes of existing weapons or comically obvious plagiarizations of weapons from other series (the blade gun is a ripoff of Mega Man's metal blades). I cannot stress how horribly broken this entire game is. Like a movie which is hastily filmed on a low budget, this game is rushed, unfinished, and is held together with chewed bubble gum and wire. It's so painfully bad that it manages to be worse than the original game. This flash could have been bearable if the author had taken Endless War 3 and tacked on a few more campaigns. Unfortunately, as a standalone game, it's a train wreck. I think it was rushed into the portal because fans kept bugging Vitaly about this game. Well, great job Vitaly. You've created a dreck so mauled, unimproved, and hideous that you've failed to satisfy even the most diehard Endless War fan, to say nothing about the average casual player. Words to the wise: don't try to fix what's not broken. Instead of rushing this horrid infection into the public eye, improve on what you already have instead of trying to create another forgettable shooter. This series has taken a turn for the worse, and if it's not fixed, it will end up like every other shooter released today; it will fall into the morass and be forgotten.

Endless War saga is amazing!

5/5 10/10 I've played all the Endless War saga Endless Zombie Rampage.. ALL! its very cool BlackFox-of-ITMO very cool games i added u to favs

i ues to play endless wars all the time

its still fun


awesome fun and very easy