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Reviews for "[TT] CD09 -thdrky-"

Not bad

The graphics weren't very good, but I liked the use of Speakonia. Some more variety in the animation would have been nice, but for waht it was, this wasn't bad.

Happy Clock Day!

~ Z

YukariYakumo responds:

I didn't realize it was Clock Day until I came on and saw it was actually Clock Day, hence the bad graphics: Ran and I had to make this in five hours, including the writing, finding all the images (it's not like I'd usually have a picture of a black power man or a KKK cross-burning on my computer), and syncing everything up. Next movie will have more variety, I promise. Thanks for the review!

Ok, I suppose...

Let's split this up shall we?


Not particularly great graphics and the animation wasn't that brilliant too. basically, the only thing that the black thingy did was wave it's strangely traingular hand or arm or whatever that was. Don't get me wrong, the graphics were quite good, but they could've been better.


Not a bad concept. Liked the use of Speakonia as it provided an averagely good voice which din't mash up the words you wanted to say.

Personally, i didn't quite get the stroyline, but since i'm new here, there are loads of things i don't get so , i won't reduce any points for that.

The stroy could've included a bit more variety and maybe another character to add some depth to it. Overall, not a bad job in terms of stroy and concept.


Hmm, there didn't seem to be any background music which could be considered to be a major fault in some animations but in this one it was completely unnecessary as the speakonia voice is usually hard to decipher as it is.


Not a bad job. Could've been worse and could've been better. Considering you did this in five hours, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. That'll be and:


-Review Request Club-


It's like the same ol same ol of the Spam genre. I'm too used to stuff like this having more variety, usually with a group of animators putting there respect works into a time trial type thing. Considering what I read in the other review and your response comment, I can forgive it for the short comings. Five hours isn't enough to add needed variety, nya.

As a friendly suggestion, I want to see footage of a Yukkuri playing soccer. Don't know if Aya has any lying around or if good pics were taken.

YukariYakumo responds:

Actually, the Bunbunmaru had an article on Yukkuri soccer back in 2005, or so I heard. Later I'll have Ran dig through Aya's archives for the issue, she'd probably remember which month it was, though she probably wouldn't remember the day, and I didn't pay any attention to it.

Too spammy, butI guess that's clock day...

Nothing that special, really. It's not horrible, but not with that much work put into it either.

Firstly, the graphics were bad, and need some working on. The building looked strange, the road wasn't symmetrical and the trash can was ermm... colourful. Also, the main character did look quite roughly drawn. The animation, as it is in a lot of submissions like these, was just the arrow waving instead of mouth moving. Some more animation would be nice, and maybe you could vary the transitions of the pictures instead of making them appear so suddenly.

The storyline was funny, and good enough to keep me watching, and the concept was OK. More characters, and maybe a longer flash in all with a better plot and a more suitable introduction and ending would be better though. Still, the story and concept got you the most points over here for some decent humour.

The audio wasn't bad, but it was just another computer-rendered voice, and it was quite hard to understand. Voice acting here would be great, but it's only spam with not much work that needs to be put into it. You could make the voice a little easer to understand.

Well, it's an above-average clock day submission, but unfortunately a below-average flash submission. Still, it's just spam, and better than a lot of spam I've seen recently, so in all, not a bad job.

-Review Request Club-

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

Did I catch the little black guy on the bottom right hand corner accidentally moving a couple of times? Such as a glitch and not an actual animation. Like he jumped from his position slightly a few times. Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me.

Even though the slideshow type format that you used was done well it probably would have looked better if you had drawn the pictures yourself instead of using google pictures.

Some extra animation would be nice such as some movements in the character. Perhaps him walking around a bit, his eye blinking, digging through the trash that he was next to looking for food, etc..

Drawings could have been done a bit better. I know it was clock day and everything, but it probably would have looked a bit better if the drawings were done well. Some of the clock day flashes are very spam like, but have wonderful graphics.

~ Story/Content ~

I'll admit it right now that I'm very racist and this was no where near what I was hoping it was going to be. (That's up to you to figure out if that was a joke or not) Simply a black man that fit all of the stereo types instead of just some of them... hmm, sounds more like real life instead of an interesting story for a flash submission.

I almost felt like someone should have drove by in the background and shot him at the end of the story. It just seemed very fitting.

~ Audio ~

I wouldn't want any other type of voice on clock day. I think perhaps you could have used some subtitles though as the voices can be hard to understand every now and then. I also heard some static, but I wasn't sure if it was my computer itself or static in your sound.

~ Overall ~

What I would expect on Clock Day.. A bit more effort then I had on my two submissions that day.

~ Review Request Club ~

YukariYakumo responds:

It was a lazy, quick, first attempt at Flash and a celebration of the day based on a shitty joke, and you understand that. Thank you for the review, and we'll make something better next time.