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Reviews for "Atryu -DEMO-"

This has potential.

Here are my suggestions:
- Rework the controls. Going between using the mouse and using both hands on the keyboard is kind of a hassle. Maybe have pressing the space bar or something in front of doors to enter them, and to go through text boxes. Also the keys for fighting are a little weird to me. A, W, and C? They're kind of oddly spread out over the keyboard that way.
-The colors. Do something about the colors. They're all very bright, which is fine, but they clash. Bright blue, bright green, and bright red all kind of buzz when you have them near eachother. Do a search for "color theory" on your favorite seach engine and check it out. Or skip reading about the theory and just be sure to adjust the brightness and saturation of the colors you're using (HELPFUL HINT: Use Flash's color panel and switch it to HSB mode instead RGB to make this much easier) until they start to look really nice together. Good color choices can make any art look at least twice as good as it would otherwise, and it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

I like the story and the dialog, because they come off as unintentionally funny (which they may actually be) which is kind of more fun than intentionally goofy stuff sometimes. Disregard this paragraph for now, lest it interfere with what it's referring to. It works, so just go with it.

And that's all I got. Keep at it.

MitchellHache responds:

Thankz man and ya I know what you mean about the colors so ill look up that color theory!

I am only being honest

I can see that you put some work into this and I can respect that. I know you are onto something here but before you make a final product, and please don't take offense to this:

1. Check your Spelling. I counted over 30 different misspelled words throughout the dialog.
2. Refine you Grammar. Really I am just trying to help here, you speech is WAY too casual for an RPG. I expected somewhere to find you saying kk ttyl l8r LOLz.

Please understand I am not blasting you, this only comes from someone who reviews the animations and currently has a very strict english teacher. You use a lot of passive voice in you writing (am, is, are, was, were) they are fine when speaking but not when writing. Write out a script before you work on any more dialog.

3. Add some AI and movement to the enemies, it became very easy to walk in and swipe a few times with my sword and then dodge away. I know this is only a demo but again I am only trying to help you get a better score.

Aside from the mentioned above I actually began to enjoy the game. I do not think it is ready to be posted yet but please work on it. Your game has some major potential.

MitchellHache responds:

Well for the grammer i know it all aint right i was just typin it up so i could see how my game would work. I will fix it all in the end product . The monsters were ment to be eazy at first also . But thankz for the review tho they all help me out in the end!

Good start

This can be really great if you could just add a few things.
1. As said before by other reviewers a skip button would be AWESOME, sitting through that was brutal because I just wanted to play. I am (and I'm going to assume most people are this way to) all about kill kill kill, then maybe if there is time we can squeeze in a story line. Now I'm not saying forget the storyline, I'm just saying make it a bit shorter and an option to read through?
2. For those who do want to read the story line I think that you should take out the 'next' button and instead make the action button which goes to the next text box (like pressing the down arrow for example). I noticed while playing going back between the arrows of my keyboard and the mouse was kind of annoying, I'm a fast paced person so any extraneous time I would like to avoid.
3. What was up with the dodge button? What if I wanted to jump towards the thing I'm fighting? I typically will do that in other games when I melee but everytime I pressed up to go forward I just went backwards.
4. Please fix the grammar, typos can be very annoying.

Good start, just finish it up and it should be great

Some pointers...

It was ok, but there are some things that I think need to be taken care of before you upload the final one.

First of all, you should implement some sort of action button/key. It was really annoying to have to move the mouse around and click every "next" button, especially since I'm on a lap top. Second of all, there needs to be some kind of hurt animation, where the character recoils when he's hit. It was hard to monitor my health when literally nothing happened when a monster hit me. Thirdly, it seemed there were a lot of typos and minor spelling or grammar errors (and I'm not talking about appropriate speech habits). A quick proofread of all the texts in the game should do the trick for that one. Finally, you really should have put sound in it. The demo is a really good way to get suggestions about aspects of the game, and by not having any sound you kept your audience from critiquing a very large part of the game.

So yeah, there you have it. It is a pretty good idea and you have most of your bases covered, you just need to put in a few extra miles and polish this thing off.

has promise

things that could be better:
-spelling (trust me, it's important)
-better monster death animation
-skip button at the beginning
-customizable controls
-the text is broken up too much..... less text boxes
other than that, this looks good.....