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Reviews for "Syndication Ep. 1"

Animation spent...

all that crazy felt wasted, needed some scripts in some, and better music in others
randomness alone can be fine, but only if you can garantee real inovation to go with it
overall nothing new, ive been high before

TheStarSyndicate responds:

If this is what goes on in your head when you smoke a bowl, you probably shouldn't be smoking bud.

If this is what's going on when you're tripping balls, please give me whatever it is you're on.


hhmmm what were you guys on when you came up with this? very good though i generally applaud abstract things that people make without fear of bieing ridiculed
6/10, good but not spectacular

TheStarSyndicate responds:

We'll pick up steam, promise :)

surreal without a purpose

surreal art is not my favorite but I do understand they all have a reason. But sadly I just can't see this reason no matter how hard I try.

The biggest guess I can possibly think of for this movie, is a Introduction to your artist and skills kinda like a were back moment. The animations varied between each artist with skills in different areas varies such as the police one with the nice backgrounds but poor animation. However one thing I did like was the intro which was pretty sweet but the actual episode just didn't make since. Why this may be a 1st episodes not all 1st are one hit wanders so keep making movies and you will improve :D.

TheStarSyndicate responds:

We've done over 400 collaborative pieces prior to this series, and the hardest part is definitely getting the series off the ground. Once it picks up speed, things usually get more interesting.

Look up Daily2oon07312005. They have no reason or logic behind it: It's really just meant to be a shotgun blast of insanity. If you can look at it like that, you might dig it.

The pain of boredom!

It's long and the file is not so large => most of it has bad quality. And it's boring, really boring. An ADD (shoutnshorty, attention deficit disorder; as in lacks the capacity of attention for long periods of time) child could not look at this longer than 10 seconds.


...............o......k.......not sure what to say but it had...soem good stuff in it.

TheStarSyndicate responds:
