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Reviews for "How to Hook Up the NES"

Oh.. meh god.

An easy to follow instructional video to hook up my old NES (i have the newer model aqutionally (how the hell do you spell that word > <)
But it still requieres the same love and care. I was just talking about it on another review and found this peice of art = )
You captured the frustration and anger and the same methods for trying to get a game to work in too, so i can tell you played it alot. Great job on the video and everything = )

.... now that i think about it... I feel old = /

don't judge yet

10 for the flash, 2 for the humor. yes, everything about that is what people experience with an NES. great skills you got, just not my taste for humor. sorry man. i still voted 5.


I decided to watch this thinking I'd write a long angry review for it and piss off the fanboys

after I watched it, I realized that it isn't that bad for a video game movie. at least it doesn't have dick jokes every three seconds and machine-gun-pace cursing, and at least there's more animation than tweened three-frame loops. shit, there was even actual humor instead of constant references to sex and violence to make the typical 13-year-old audience feel "cool" and "edgy".


you know

it's still a video game movie


i think its easy to put an NES first u put the thing with the thing u know the square thingy 5 days later HOW THE HELL DO YOU PUT THE FREAKING NES!!!!! :B


i have an nes too. i constantly have to blow on the cartridge and keep pressing the power button. the light blinks constantly and screen goes from gray to black.