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Reviews for "Sketched - Prospector"


There's potential. The intro was cool and the music. The main characters voice was annoying(too whiny). It would have been better if he didn't say weather she had died or not and added something more to make it longer. I demand more funnies!!!! >O

The conversation prior to this.

"Hey, lets make a flash!"
"ok, should we give it any actual structure or humor?"
"nah we can just pass it off as random to those folks at newgrounds! They'll put ANYTHING on frontpage these days!"
"Ha ha, yeah! Great idea! Lets put some angry emo music at the end too so they feel like they just watched something cool and edgey."
"I like your style! Its just such a shame you don't exsist and I'm actually talking to myself."
"... lets make out."
"... ok."

I'm on to you Jeff. -.-

sirjeffofshort responds:

It's funny, you put so much effort into making fun of us and at the end I was still like "Man... I kinda wanna hang out with this dude."

absolute rubbish

The intro had nothing to do with the show.

I guess i liked the animation the voice work, but nothing happened. I was waiting for the punchliine but it never came.

sirjeffofshort responds:

The show is an animated sketch comedy show, the intro shows the actors just as any sketch comedy shows intro (snl, kids in the hall, mad tv), but it is true it had nothing to do with this sketch.

This sketch is a short nonsensical lead in to the actual sketches, to catch the audience off guard, I absolutely agree that it doesn't make sense and doesn't have a punchline so that's why we tried to keep it short.

If you do like our voice acting and animation however you may want to take a moment to check out some of our other stuff as well as the work we will put out in the future. I assure you it is nothing like this, haha.


What? That made no sense it wasn't even funny

I get it.

Oh I get it, it's supposed to be completely random. Well I guess some people might find this funny, and others (such as myself) find it ridiculously stupid. try writing some actual jokes, or actually animating something... Just having nothing but completely random shit does not constitute humor. I believe you could create a half decent animation, but you have to put more time into the plot than "let's have some hillbilly prospector." Try again, only actually try please =)

sirjeffofshort responds:

Check out some of our other stuff, you might like it better. We just felt like doing something different in this one, and I know that doesn't please everyone, but as I said, you would probably like our other stuff much better.