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Reviews for "Sketched - Prospector"


I found this halarious!


While it was quite a good example of total randomness (I would have reacted the same way to a crazy prospector) Newgrounds already has a plethora of random comedy and dick jokes. Its nothing new.


lolzz funny as fuck

The conversation prior to this.

"Hey, lets make a flash!"
"ok, should we give it any actual structure or humor?"
"nah we can just pass it off as random to those folks at newgrounds! They'll put ANYTHING on frontpage these days!"
"Ha ha, yeah! Great idea! Lets put some angry emo music at the end too so they feel like they just watched something cool and edgey."
"I like your style! Its just such a shame you don't exsist and I'm actually talking to myself."
"... lets make out."
"... ok."

I'm on to you Jeff. -.-

sirjeffofshort responds:

It's funny, you put so much effort into making fun of us and at the end I was still like "Man... I kinda wanna hang out with this dude."

omg lol

that was so random and hilarious Samsonts too retarded to understand that it doesn't have to make sense .