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Reviews for "Toxie-Radd"

Pretty Good, But...

1) Stuff gets covered by dead bodies, so you can't see it, and get stuck on it.
2) The zombies never get tougher, there just gets to be more of them, which doesn't matter once you have the flamethrower/lightning beam.

Really Fun, But Unoriganal

Graphics and Animation: The graphics were good, but I think more detail could have been put into the characters and the background. I like how you made not only the zombies but he main character lurch, considering he had a giant gun on his arm. The movement mad when the enemies fell down was good too. 9/10

Gameplay: I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game. Who doesn't love burning zombies? But I thought that it was too much like your previous game, Darkbase 2, just not as good. It was the same thing, just without ammo, aliens, or a flashlight. The flashlight made it funner because you didn't know where all the enemies were. The ammo made it funner because it was harder. 6/10

Plotline: The plot was very loose for this game and was pretty cliche. But based on the kind of game this is, I don't feel it was that important. 7/10

Total: 7.3/10

It was ok, but not too exciting

Graphics & animation were good, but it just got boring too fast. Joe trudges around slowly, and you do the rat-maze routine trying to figure out where to go. The machine gun was about as useful as a tick on a dog's ass while the shotgun was far more powerful (never overheated, and had a good spread). Flamethrower was pretty obscene, too, but overheated very fast. Fully upgraded shotgun was by far the best weapon.

The upgrade system seems redundant in that you have to get xp to pay for things, AND you need vials just to do an upgrade. Just pick a system and go with it. Either make user collect xp OR vials. The way you have it just adds in unnecessary complexity for complexitiy's sake.

I think you'll find that since Left 4 Dead came out, nobody can do a zombie game and expect high scores on NewGrounds for some time to come. Everyone's going to expect this to operate like a top-down version of Left 4 Dead, and they'll skip the intro so they won't know the background to put things into perspective. I think you did a good job, it just gets too repetitious quickly and bores easily. Then again, I'm an older gamer who's played way too many games like this (that's not me bragging, it's just me stating that the older you get, the less novel things like this become). For younger gamers it will probably still be pretty fresh.

great game but...

i got gliched out of my mind
wen i tried to go forward i wouldnt then i would randomly go backward into a horde of zombies and get stuck


Graphics werent too shabby, and the story line was alright. But the controls were way too clunky and the sound effects get annoying after about five minutes.