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Reviews for "Twin Shot 2: Good & Evil"

great game, but I'm not gonna pay for it

Man, this game is great and I don't have any complaints with the game itself, it's refreshingly simple fun. My only gripe is that this is half a game, with the other half only available to people who pay for it. It was my understanding that flash games are free games made for the purpose of fun, but if you start charging for it, it's gonna start resembling the video game industry, which is starting to become only about money just like the rest of the world, and no longer fun, I'm not saying you're bad people for purchasable content, I just don't want it to become a trend.
As this is only half a game, I will give the half I could play a perect 5


I enjoyed the game i thought it was fun and i enjoyed the concept of it a lot. But the restrictions behind it kind of soured me on it. Which is why i give it 5/10.

Here's half a review

"This is a sequel to our original Twin Shot game set in two worlds: Good and Evil."
But in other to play the second half you have to pay real money! :D

Yeah, thanks, but no thanks. The half game you got there for free is quite fun, but since I'm not paying for "quite fun" I'll give you half the points. If you pay me 5 bucks I'll give the other half of the review with the other half of the stars.

Bad marketing.

I'll give you 5 up front on the HALF game that I managed to play. But in no way am I paying to play such drivel.

MochiGames? really? I've got to give you a negative for that, you're game is great, just above average, but nothing spectacular, and this is why very little people overall will PAY to play anything more than the first world. That's bad marketing.

I have no problem with your love for money, heck, I wouldn't mind making the extra few pounds from a flash game, but there are other alternatives (ads, etc.) like other free flash games that still exist on the web. But it's a horrible way to make it. So you pay for "points" (yes, very similar to Microsofts Xbox Live) and you can use these points to buy (another 50 levels and other medial things) And that is your problem. Your game is good, but not good enough for me to spend money on.

To get where Xbox Live is today, you have to build up on that. You can't just sell something straight away as a developing (site, or artist, or what have you) you need to develop a good reputation with a high market base so others know you're a good, trustworthy company.

Want to get paid for making games? find a much more genuine way to do so. Otherwise it'll flop.

Pay for play? No thanks...!

Game wasn't that terribly impressive, plus the pay for all the extra stuff? You might as well had called this a demo!