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Reviews for "The Space Game: Missions"

Sort Of Strange

I have some THEL lasers and sometimes it doesn't shoot. I have max energy (two energy storage) and three solar stations (max) and sometimes they just don't shoot their lasers. At least the missle launchers don't have those problems so I'm just going to stick with those.

slightly disappointing sequel

Well it's a fun game. Great strategy/defense combo. Simplistic graphics do the job fine by me.

I was really hoping for some new buildings/weapons in this version though. It's just the same stuff all the way through. And the same strategy works for most of the levels too, making it pretty boring after a while.

The missions were fun, especially the boss at the end. Protecting the ship was a major pain but I suppose every once in a while you have to have an annoying mission.

I didn't notice a huge difference between difficulty levels. I did the same setup in different difficulties and I still won.

There should be at least 10 seconds at the beginning of each level to get your setup started. It's not cool when you have fast enemies starting right away.

Still, I enjoy it. Could be better but as it is it's still a lot better than many other game.

If you are planning on making another and would like some ideas for more buildings and such then let me know and i'll gladly provide some ideas.


I really like this game. I'd like to see some new structures if you add another sequel tho ;-)

To the players:

I did ran some tests, and did some maths. Here are the more interresting facts, mostly about energy management.

Solar stations: lvl 2 solar stations are more efficient than lvl 1 and 3. They provide 233 energy per minute (epm) for 400 minerals (m) instead of 100epm for 200m (lvl 1) and 333epm for 600m (lvl 3).

Mineral miners: Lvl 1 and 2 both need 25 energy per minute. That's a hidden cost around 45 minerals (1/9 of a lvl 2 solar station) ... Taking this into acount, a lvl 2 miner is almost 20% more efficient than a lvl 1. As you might have guessed, a solar station lvl 2 is enough to support 9 miners, and you probably won't have much more of them (if they are lvl 2 that is).

Pulsars: When fighting non stop, a lvl 1 needs 70 energy per minute (epm), a lvl 2 needs 200epm, a lvl 3 needs 400epm. To put it another way, one solar station lvl 2 is enough to run 3 of those pulsars at lvl 1, only 1 at lvl 2 and you'll need 2 of those stations to run a lvl 3. Think carefully before upgrading.

THEL: Lvl 1 are really weak, you shouldn't build one if you can't afford the upgrade to lvl 2 quickly after. The upgrade to lvl 3 is worth it too but not as vital. One solar station lvl 2 is enough for a lvl 3 THEL when fighting waves. It gets more expensive against mother ships or other things with lot of HPs, but since your pulsar will most likely be out of range during those fights you shouldn't need additional stations.

Missile Launcher: Each missile cost 5 minerals, all the version have a 10s cooldown, 400 minerals (m) for 1 missile every shot, 900m for 2 and 1900m for 4. Damages increase with level too. Lvl 1 are more efficient against waves while lvl 3 are more efficient against huge ships (only small differences tho).

Conclusion: If you didn't know yet, you can build/upgrade when the game is paused. Doing so and using the above figures you should easly be able to make sure you have enough solar stations. Also, don't forget that to upgrade or build something costs a lot of energy ... Try not to build too many structures at a same time, especialy when fighting.


pretty good but...

my only problem is it's still pretty hard on easy mode and the missions where you need to defend the moving ship are next to impossible because near the end waves of something like 10-15 motherships will jump in and waste everything if you could make it so it's like 3 or 4 it'd really make this game a lot better

I have to agree

It was a good game the first time round...but now i felt cheated for not having any new enemies, or stations, or anything basicly. Although I did like the new optional main mission way...nothing new...sadface