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Reviews for "Rabbit Wants Cake"

Good n funny

its cool... comands extra 2 stars, grathics extra 3 stars, gets old -1 star, funny stuff of it extra 2 stars, Some challenging levels 1 point...
Overall: Good, funny game. Score: 7.


an origional fun game, well done man.
the music in the back give it something special, eventhough it has totally nothing to do with it :D
all at random, which makes it the perfect game for me :)
wish you the best, oh and DO take effort to make more of these kind of games!
(also the lvl ending teksts were fun xD)


lol thats an extraordinary game) completed lvl 11 YAY


omg level 8

lol cool

Not the most entertaining, but its pretty fun. I`d say 8. That`s still pretty good. I really wanna post this with my friends and I talking about games on this and stuff. So I will. Please enjoy. And this will show jmtb02 how awesome his games are.
You have entered Ally`s chat room.
Jems: yes and its like, insane
Ally: sounds like it im still surprised tho
CandyStar: hey guys i just entered
Jems: we no
CandyStar: wat were u talkin bout
Jems: y
Ally: a game called topless tetris
CandyStar: oh
Jems: well, wenever we talk bout video games wich ain`t 2 often, u post it on ag or ng
Ally: well
CandyStar: is there a prob with it?
CandyStar: if so i will stop is there 1
Ally: no but this one is goin on 4 sure tho
Jems: ?
Ally: cuz of dis: a message to a creator: jmtb02
CandyStar: yeh he rox i like rabit wants cake and this is the only level
Jems: well then
Jems: whats ur note
Ally: dear jmtb02, u rok at making video games i rlly like ur games but can u make them a bit easier plz from ally
Jems: ?
CandyStar: u think they r hard?
Ally: a bit
Jems: u rnt best at video games then
CandyStar: ...
Jems: well, i think those games are fun
Jems: ever tried windows doors
CandyStar: yeah its good
CandyStar: al?
Jems: oops
CandyStar: y isnt she responding
Jems: i guess i set her off
Jems: srry ally
Ally: u said i was bad at vid games
CandyStar: u r not we r srry
Jems: i apologize
Jems: those games are kinda hard
caringkaren has entered.
Ally: hello karen
caringkaren: hey alice
Jems: oh hi
CandyStar: hey we were just talkin bout jmtb02 the creator
CandyStar: can we call him 02
Jems: sure
Ally: ok
caringkaren: wat games duz he make
Ally: u dont no??
Jems: this is the only level is my fave of his
caringkaren: oh i luv dat game wat else duz he make
caringkaren: did he make tetris d?
CandyStar: no
Ally: no way! that was Archon!
Jems: archons real name is ben
caringkaren: uh
Ally: well, either way
CandyStar: lets chat bout rabbit wants cake
caringkaren: that game is so hard but so fun
Jems: i better go try that game
Jems: c u in a sec
caringkaren: bye
Jems has exited the room.
Ally: do u think she was mad at us
caringkaren: mayb she rlly just wanted 2 play it
Ally: no i dont think so
CandyStar: wat do u mean? she was just going 2 play a game
caringkaren: no i rlly doubt it
Ally: y is she mad at us?
CandyStar: dunno. I think its that time of the month.
Ally: did she tell u?
caringkaren: ooo
CandyStar: well, she needs 2 b alone
CandyStar: meanwile, lets c
Ally: how far did u guys get in this is the only lvl?
CandyStar: beat
caringkaren: candy stripes of doom
Ally: oh i`m on candy stripes of doom 2
Ally: wat bout rabbit wants cake?
caringkaren: beat
Ally: lvl 11
CandyStar: beat
caringkaren: what else 2 talk bout
CandyStar: if jen didnt quit we could ask her
Ally: we will wen she gets bak
caringkaren: wich do u prefer: ng or ag?
Ally: hmm dunno
CandyStar: ng. on ag there r 2 many viruses plus the annoying slow stuff
cariingkaren: well, u got a point
caringkaren: i gess ng is my fave 2
Ally: dont copy others
caringkaren: i agreed not copied
CandyStar: well, we all agree that its ng, huh
Ally: yeh
caringkaren: i gess
CandyStar: wat about ng and gh and arg?
Ally: dunno
caringkaren: me neither
Jems has entered the room.
CandyStar: i dunno
CandyStar: hey jems
Ally: y were u mad at us
Jems: i wasnt
caringkaren: we no it, u cant hide it.
Ally: plz tell us we r not upset
CandyStar: plz?
Jems: ...
Jems: its that time, k
caringkaren: plz dont post this chat
CandyStar: and i plz its so good
Jems: i think she can but dont hint the time thing, got it
CandyStar: yeh
Ally: its fine with me
caringkaren: uh oh its dinner time 4 me
caringkaren: i`ll chat after, k?
Ally: k
CandyStar: bye
Jems: ttyl
caringkaren has exited the room.
Ally: she wasnt mad at us
Jems: i no its just dinner
CandyStar: lol
Jems: wat
CandyStar: i just beat a video game
Ally: wich 1
CandyStar: rabbit wants cake
Ally: good job
Jems: yay
Jems: its fun isnt it
Ally: its more than fun.
Jems: i`m gonna go play it. bye!
Jems has exited the room.
Ally: sigh
Ally: now i g2g bye