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Reviews for "Lastman"

Eh its good...

im not going to lower the grade cus of difficulty even though it is too hard...
Has some nostalgic value to it. Brings back the pain from the good old days. the title is fitting so hooray. gameplay was well done. sound wasnt great but maybe thats just for nostalgia. all in all the game was fairly average.

Not worth it.

There is no depth at all, just running and jumping.
Kill boxes almost seem inconsistent, since sometimes I land on the middle of the crab and die and sometimes land on their claws and kill them.
The ads don't make the game anywhere near unplayable, they are just annoying.

When it comes down to it, the game is just not worth the time. Only a few people will feel that they have to beat it, while most others will just give up. There is little to no enjoyment in the game.


I get trying to bring back "nostalgic" hardness in games, I really do. but this isn't nostalgic hard. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a challenge, but this is beyond insane. The crabs have such a small kill box that it's just better to avoid even trying when you can, the Porcupines or whatever they were were cute, but come on.

Then, in addition to all that, you throw in adds every 20 deaths. that's really unnecessary. and I mean REALLY unnecessary.

Maybe, MAYBE without the adds every 20 deaths, It'd be ok. but this one hit kills, tiny killboxes and no room for goofing on jumps, and oh, every 20 deaths pauses the game and makes you watch an add stuff makes the game basically unplayable.

too hard))

difficulty is really like on nes!
but i enjoy it!

Ugh... really?

The game itself is challenging and it's always fun to deal with a good challenge. However, the adds in the middle of the game are annoying. I understand adds in the preloader and in the menu but when you interrupt the game to do it then it's a cheap move. It utterly ruined what could of been a pretty good game.