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Reviews for "The Zombie Quiz"

Sweet flash.

I'd give it a 9 because of the work you put into it, but the simulation wasn't what I was expecting of it.

Overall, a great piece of work, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a hardcore zombie apocalypse fanatic.


I got 90% but i knew i would be a good survivor anyway lol

its only a 9 because the answers are based on the author not the general public

Pretty good Quiz

Nice quiz, Gotta make a few comments though...

Question 11: This is debatable and depends on your outlook in life. If you're a tree hugging hippie, or a poor college student with no money to stock your pantry then yes, go find some guns, then shelter, then food. But if you are PREPARED... for any disaster... not just Z-day, then you go for YOUR shelter. Your home, which has food, water, and at the minimum a revolver and a few make-shift Melee weapons (shovels, axes, baseball bats, crowbars... you have to have at least one or two of these laying around in your garage). I keep a pistol, a shotgun and a few hunting rifles in the house (locked up in a gun cabinet), as well as at least a few weeks of canned food, a few weeks of water, not including what's in the toilets (the tanks, not the bowls... sickos) and a fairly decent first aid kit, including lots of antiseptics and some antibiotics.

Side rant, not about your quiz, but about survival in general: And really, it doesn't take zombies to need a stockpile of consumables, people. If you live somewhere in the world which has tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards... or any other natural disaster occasionally hit it, (I.E. pretty much everywhere) you should have enough to survive in your home for two weeks minimum, and people don't need to be turned into zombies to be lawless animals... any situation that leads to lawlessness inevitably leads to rioting and looting, unless you want your family to be victimized you should have the capability to protect them in the event that the police and/or military can't, at minimum you should have a small caliber revolver or preferably a shotgun (locked up secure somewhere so you're kids can't get to them, guns don't kill people, stupid people who leave their guns loaded and easily accessible do.). So if you're smart and prepared the answer to this question is to find shelter, specifically YOUR shelter. If you're dumb or unprepared I guess you could go for weapons... or food.... or any of the other options, it wont do you much good, you're probably gonna BE food shortly...

Question 13: They're all pretty bad options... The revolver and shotgun are right out, anything that doesn't use a magazine takes forever to reload... BUT unless you live in a communist, or former communist country... 7.62 x 39 is going to be pretty friggin' hard to come by... that aside its not the best choice. The UZI is probably a better option depending on where you live and what type it is. If it's a 9MM or .45 variant (most UZI's are 9MM) Ammo will be pretty easy to come across, assuming it's not an odd variant, though you still may be limited by the number of clips you can come up with, still, an UZI with 1 full clip and a few boxes of spare ammo to refill that clip is a better option than an AK that is going to become a glorified club after you empty the clip, even if the effective range is a lot less. But between the two, the UZI is the better option because it is the most flexible, it is lighter than the AK, the ammo weighs less and is MUCH easier to find, and it makes a pretty decent secondary weapon once you get your hands on something better. The AK becomes to heavy to lug around once you've got another rifle, especially if you're carrying supplies too. Still, at some point you are going to have to hit up a gun store or pawn shop for 9MM or .45 for the UZI, while you're there you should upgrade your primary weapon, keeping the Uzi as a backup, because it's a lot better secondary weapon than a pistol.

Great game

Overall I gotta say that this was a great game, just a few things wrong that kept it from getting a ten.
One: on one of the qs it asks what to do if your friend breaks his leg. Apparently the right answer was shoot him. I choose leave him and if he makes it fine. I don't see the difference between then. Either way you don't waste time carrying him or going back for him. Also, you shouldn't shoot him 1: because it will make a loud noise that will attract zombies 2: It's a waste of precious ammo 3: If your not alon, your group is going to think you're a dirtbag for shooting someone for getting hurt. It's a lot less tramtic and demoralizing to leave rather than execute a group member. 4: At least he'll have a chance to get to safety if you leave him to try to get to refuge.
Two: I agree with Furousha about the Uzi vs. AK. 1: The 7.62 x 39 is hard to come by especially if you live in somewhere like NJ where assalt rifles are banned. 2: Most Uzi's use 9mm or .45 cal. which is often used in handguns so you can sahre ammo with your side arm. 3: 9mm and .45 pistols are used by most police forces, so if the situation presents itself, you can head to the cop station and ammo up.
Three: I also agree with Furousha about keeping a gun in your house as long as your smart about it (keep them unloaded, out of reach of kids, locked up, etc.)
Other than that, Great game.


33.3333333333333 chance to survive 0.0 i'm maybe a bit fool if a zombie outbreak would happen but atleast i'm not allready braindead. oh and one more thing. i like this game