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Reviews for "Gamer Tonight - Zombie"

it was funny but...

it lacked something that just made it "average".

Good animations, strong voice & interesting concpt

I'm giving this one an 8. It was a intersting idea, hosting a sort of new style program with Zombies, after all everyone <3 zombies. The animation was top notch and the voice acting was pretty good, but the story let it down for me. Although as I said it was an interesting "idea" the final result wasn't ideal and could do with some more puns.

The jokes were few and far between, the only that I found slightly funny was the whole zombie wereing the Super shirt thingy...

Anyhow strong idea, can't wait to see some more.

short and sweet

I like these, but those bones man... as a fellow artist those just tripped me out till I had to watch it over and over to actually pay attention to what was being said.


huh, I hurd better stuff from
you guys, thats all I can say

i believe that everyone is entitled to their on opinion on a review, but HoWaiZhien. SHUT THE HELL UP!