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Reviews for "Exodus Tyson Punched Out"


im sorry but i just dont know why this flash video of a 4 year old girl who died is posted on the front page or posted at all. this girl didnt even have a chance at life and you are just making a big damn joke about it. im sorry i love newgrounds, its my second home but seeing something like this on here is just wrong. im sure you guys wouldnt want a flash movie made about your kids or family if something happend to them and if you do then u guys truly are sick. im sorry but i respect the dead.



Would've accepted this next week, like on Sunday. But for now, yes, it was too soon.

But nice effort.

altr responds:

Cause as we all know, the LORD'S day for accepting silly child deaths is always the Sunday after. God needs a week to hook up comedians with better material for better ratings, or is that the devi... I mean Don King?

Poor Taste

You could have made a parody on another event but a four year old's death is nothing to laugh at. The tragic events that happened that day is no reason for you to exploit for a couple of laughs.

Cheap shot.
Grow up.

altr responds:

Yes, I shall grow up to be big and strong and make lots of money and make a rape-baby that gets unattended. I'll start on that right now.


Mother shat hard.

I liked the part when the 4 year-old died.

altr responds:

Oh fuck YOU RUINED THE WHOLE MOVIE FOR EVERYONE! NG really needs spoiler tags man oh man.

uncalled for....

c'mon man , you gotto admit it . this was a bit too soon

altr responds:

No, I'm pretty sure when I said "NEVER TOO SOON" was when I meant it wasn't too soon.

Unlike your review, which tells me nothing except you were raised by carebears in a cave, from far away TYPE THE FIRST THING THAT COMES TO THE PUDDING THAT'S SLUSHING AROUND IN MY SKULL PAN, land.