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Reviews for "It's a Nice Day Today"

I wish i had thought of this

I wouldn't picture this game being the stuff of daily feature but underdog of the week instead.

but even so it is a good little novelty and the fact it insults the user base here and here is a shocker there actually eating it up shows that they do in fact have a sense of humor.

The achievement was a nice touch and sends the message to go outside already.

This little creation really drives the point home that you should be outside instead of playing flash games telling you to go outside.

It's extremely short like about under 15 seconds and this when you actually go outside right when this game tells you to.

The fact it was too short makes it's message more effective and on actual nice days it makes you want to go outside more than you do already.

we as human beings have a natural drive to want to go outside but we also have an internet addiction but nice days outside usually override the urge to go outside.

when the kid closed the window to masturbate was a less than subtle attack on your critics and audience a like.

oddly it came out as kinda of a friendly joke and for the future when you do another creation such as this.

I would make this a little more mean spirited and assume that your audience is gonna hate it such as calling your audience and critics offensive school yard insults.

You never know even more people would love it or hate it but the chances of this sorta things is unpredictable.

With things that exist to only look cool or video game parodies you know where you stand but with things like this.

It's all unpredictable and this would be something i would call an example of something that i would consider to be a very good spam submission.

something this ballsy was successful still shocks me in fact it is a little overrated instead of underrated

and that doesn't mean i hate this game because this is in fact something i wish i had thought of in the first place as i said.

But it wouldn't be nearly as effective or even as good for that matter because everything you did with this was so pretty much right for it.

Maybe the fact it has such acclaim forces your audience to pay attention or else but still more people need to see this because some kids here take internet drama way too seriously when it is in fact harmless.


ehh ..

Got boring after a little while


The game was alright. But the same old thing happens... And gets boring very quickly.


This is not good. It's just bad quality. The texture doesn't hide the bad art and background. There are stickmen involved, which is bad and the animation is nothing special at all. It was very short and the way you use swearing as humor doesn't give me anything, besides unoriginality that is.

Well, this is just very very overrated. It's just a very small movie which exploits surprise moments, masturbation and swearing to create humor.

I was very disappointed when I saw this, I expected a music video or maybe a funny movie, but all I got was THE SUN WILL FUCKING RAPE YOUR SHIT IF YOU JACK OFF INSTEAD OF GOING OUT. My assumptions were destructed.

+3 for the interactive ending and decent flame animation. Other than that, you'll never come any far with stick men, unoriginality and swearing. Better luck next time.


I think you should change it to Game, not a movie
i get the message, go outside, live a life blah blah blah

but seriously, make it a bit longer though
a 3 for the animation, originality and medal.