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Reviews for "Youda Marina"

fun but

it was fun however it froze and I didnt get to finish it.

It may just be a demo...

Posting Demos on newgrounds will always piss some people off. I do think, however, that you offer a lot in your demo. I would suggest that next time you post a game, you clearly state that it is a demo. A lot of players will have invested time into the game thinking it's a full version only to find it's not.

The game itself is really very nice to play - and is quite frankly, excellent for a flash game. The graphics are stunning, the content brimming and the gameplay fast pace. I do, however, think that sometimes there's a bit too much going on. It can be very hard to construct the marina itself when you constantly have ships coming into the docks and fires starting up at random and challenges you have to meet. The setting to this game is relaxing and at times I just wanted to sit back and look at my marina a bit and build up my piers. I always felt a bit rushed - which conflicts with the relaxing feeling. Even when you gave the player the exploration time, you were always aware of it ticking away in the background.

Generally, however, this is a very engaging game. I would have given you a nine but I took a couple of points off because I felt your submission was not upfront enough about it being a demo and because I always felt rushed in the game.

Youdagames responds:

Hi Anarchy Junky Thanks for the tip but we have tried that we have tried all.
The fact that we are long time friends with new grounds and that we provide a very decent amount of playing time in each demo really doesn't seem to matter.
In fact nothing matters what ever we say or do we always get a lot of people that are pissed off because it 's a demo.
The only other thing left is not to post demo's anymore but then again most people like us to post pur demo's and the few that are pissed of waht can we say ?
To bad...

Great Game!!!! But its a Demo

thats bullshit great game but dont spring it on me that its all going to come crashing down while im in the middle of it i will agree with another user we come here to play FREE games not fucking demos

quite good

it is a very good game but only a demo version...

Needs something...


The game stopped working before the tutorial was even over. One of the docks failed to register via the mouse so it was impossible to build. Couldn't re-select the dock because in the no-brainer 'how-to-play' demonstration mode, all buttons are nullified except the one it wants you to press, which did nothing. I finally had to reload it and then walk on egg-shells just to get past that annoying, Tutorial-for-Retards. I wanted to play a game, not sit and watch a crappy photo-shop image ramble on about the most obvious stuff in the world.

To the bearded Asian man with the cigar and the stretched-out face: "Yes, I am aware of how to use my mouse. Thank you ever so much."

Edge-scrolling in a flash game is a BAD idea. It only demerits game-play in flash games. Arrow keys or click&drag scrolling are both MUCH better options. I noticed you have arrow-scrolling in this game, but it's next to worthless.

- Glitchy (as mentioned both here and in reviews below)
- Mandatory tutorial
- Poor scrolling method
- And another point off, on principle, JUST for it being a demo.

Good game, but so very irritating sometimes. If this is what players can expect from the premium version, they should save their money for something else.